This article contains mild spoilers For "Captain America: Brave New World".
How would Captain America vote?
It is immensely frustrating how apolitically it tends to be Marvel's Chinese universe. Too much of their films are reduced to simple stories of "good versus evil" or stories of bad parenting. Most of them also contain ideas that explore the function of retaliation in the blood (performed by heroes and villains), or are for the most part about the positive power of teamwork. However, when it comes to explicitly listed political views, MCU tends to affect an aggravating approach.
This is especially trampled when one of your franchise's most popular characters is an American soldier named Captain America, who carries an American flag as his uniform. Someone may think that he would, from all people, have a point of view for the United States that the most audiences have ever seen about Cap's policy was when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) opposed the signing of Sokovia contracts that would create an oversight body to keep the tabs of the Super-Bit of America. Steve seems to have disliked the regulation and supported the small government. Maybe he was a Republican.
The apolitical nature of Captain America reaches a brazen degree in The new Juluulius NLA movie, "Captain America: The Brave New World". The film starred in new Captain America, Sam Wilson (Anthony Soft), a heroic but gentle colleague who seems to play well with new President Tadeus Ross (Harrison Ford). However, his support for the president is extremely confusing when someone thinks Sam is a friend with a character named Isaiah Bradley (Carl Lumbi).
Bradley's image was first familiar with MCU In "Falcon and the Winter Soldier", And his backstew is complex and frightening. He has all the reasons to hate the American status quo, and his suffering was a direct result of America's institutionalized racism. The film tragically does not allow Bradley to be angry with his own abuse. Instead, Bradley is encouraged to immortalize the status quo. MCU can be apolitical, but it is difficult to stay that way when staring at politics in the face.
Isaiah Bradley was closed and tortured by America
Bradley, as briefly explained in the "Brave New World", was, for decades before, the winner of the same Super Soldier serum that gave the original Captain America. He is still super strong and is seen early in the film as a full -sized bag of punching as a baseball bat. Bradley also mentions that the serum was used as an experiment for him and that the US government did not like the idea of āābeing so powerful, forcing them to close it for reasons for racism. While serving an undeserved sentence of 30 years, Bradley was subjected to horrible, unspecified medical experiments.
The idea that the black man was subject to military medical experiments calls for a Tuskegge syphilis study. Since the 1930s until the early 1970s, the US government has been overseeing a medical study in real life, infecting hundreds of black men with syphilis without their knowledge, hoping to find the long-term effects of untreated disease. Over 100 men died. The subjects were told that they would participate in a 6-month medical study, but the study was extended to 40 years.
Sam Wilson, another black man, does not express the racial injustice of Bradley's story, leaving a large political hole in "Captain America: The Brave New World". Indeed, when Bradley is invited to the White House for one of the events in President Ross, he is happy to accept, happy to wear an old suit again. It seems that decades of racial injustice should be easily ignored, just so Sam, Bradley and the new Falcon (Dani Ramirez) can laugh together.
The first point of conspiracy of the film is when Bradley, who works under the eerie, is trying to record the president. He may be forgiven for thinking that Bradley tried to shoot the president in his consent. He certainly had all the reasons to hate America and the Calow presidents who run it.
A brave new world does not offer Bradley any justice
After trying to assassinate, Bradley is thrown into jail, a fate that fills it with panic despair. He knows that living in prison will destroy, both mentally and physically. The fact that he was housed there after another experiment only worsened his prison. "The Brave New World" depends on the inequality involved in a black prison, after already admitting that the locking of black men is one of the biggest injustices in America.
But the "brave new world" does not move forward with that injustice. Sam Wilson, you may think, will express a sense of righteousness because he will see his friend in prison. Does he mention the president or someone else that Bradley was injured by America's racist policies from the past? Does he point out that America has notoriously abused its black citizens and feels the need to fight systems that still look designed to misuse people? No, Sam doesn't do anything of this kind. Indeed, the producers of the "Brave New World" go out of their way to stay apolitically around the world. Sam is a fighter for superhero battles, and that's all it is.
Indeed, Sam continues to serve the US military, struggling to support the system as it is. There is no effort to - and even mention of - the racial justice for Isaiah, except for a few internal conflicts, Sam hints at his position, but never takes the time to interrogate what caused them. Isaiah only needs to break into jail, waiting to be released. Then, once go out, forgive and light on this issue. Hoe Hoe, sorry Phellas. We all make mistakes. WHO no Systematically oppressed a minority of its citizens for centuries? Hoe Hoe.
These types of narrative gaps are already attractive negative reactions.
The US government at MCC is wireless and clean, and that's a problem
The films "Captain America" āāhave a disturbing tendency to present the US government as meaningless and pure, seemingly incapable of performing acts of injustice. Although set in the 40s of the last century, "Captain America: The first retaliator" by OEO Johnonton ignores all pigs of racism. "Captain America: Anthony's Winter Soldier" and OEO Rousseau ", However, he is the main offender in this regard. The film states that the secret Kabal of the wicked super-Nazi-Hydra-Hydra-Hi infiltrated the government for a long time, and that was their active negative, which was responsible for all the bad decisions of America since the 1940s. The government was innocent. They were to blame the Nazis.
Here in 2025, as America enters the sad stage of almost authoritarian rule, perhaps the "winter soldier" would be wiser to say that the Nazis in the government were not mysterious, and only the result of racist, ignorant thinking and stunning politics. The "Winter Soldier" would be stronger if Cap revealed that he had to fight his own government to restore lost ideals. Instead, he can release the Nazis's government, and the problem will be resolved, keeping the United States cleaning and shameless.
Even if you disagree with Sokovia agreements, as presented in the "Civil War", you can see that it was presented as a singular and draconian effort by Tadeus Ross (William Hurt) to control heroes. The avengers have never had to fight the wave of popular opinion or admit that the whole government may not want them. No, the United States is on their side.
And now we have a "brave new world", another film in which the government is forgiven by all abuse. And they are able to get out of this because it is stated that the victims could accidentally forgive. There are no compensation, without contractions. In "The Brave New World", it's the victim's job to only overcome it. Isaiah Bradley deserved more.
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