This article contains spoilers For "Cobra Kai" season 6 part 3.
After seven years, six seasons and two streaming platforms (Three if you find that YouTube Red and YouTube Premium as a special), "Cobra Kai" finally ended. And, as you can expect from the Karate Tournament show, the series sends things with trio climate fights at the World Championship in Samai Taikai. Season 6 of Cobra Kai Part 3 is not as unusual as some other points in the show, but gives most of the biggest characters good closing and some significant victories, whether they are on the matte or out of it.
After the bloody and abrupt interruption of the 6th part 2 season, Terry Silver (Thomas Ian Griffith) persuades the other Senseis to continue the competition for the last rounds by transferring the Barcelona event to the San Fernando Valley. After Sam Laruso (Mary Muser) decided not to return to the tournament, Tori Nichols (Payton's list) automatically joined the girls' final against Zara Malik (Reina Valadingham). And while he was looking for some time like Miguel Diaz (Xolo Maridueña) may not get a great climate moment of Mate, he intensifies in old Cobra Kai when Robbie Keane (Tanner Buchanan) descends against Axel Kovasevic (Patrick Luvis).
While you may think that the 18th karate tournament will decide the characters at the age of 18 and younger, this is "Cobra Kai", so things don't go so simple. Let's break down who wins Taikai and where the characters each country at the end of the 6th Cobra Kai season.
Tori Nichols won the division of girls into brutal fashion
By choosing Sam to worship early, along with all Miyagi-Do, Tori jumped directly into the girls' finals. During the show, her endurance and determination were her strongest tools, but Tori's second planted herself when it comes to facing Zara. The karate influence Winning "Cobra Kai" It enters Tory's head early and strikes her with a series of heavy blows, further shaking her self -esteem. But in timeout, Robbie is in a hurry just to tell Tory that he loves her, and as all the film viewers know, everything is possible with the power of the dance.
Recall her is, Tori goes to toe to toe with Zara, scoring a knockout and a brutal knockout blow that takes a few teeth of Zara. Tori has been named world champion, completing his bow that began in season 2. It is a satisfactory victory for a character who had to fight for everything all his life, and feels right, she ends with the title when everyone is said And it's over.
Tori and Robbie get an even happier end in the last episode, where they are found to sign profitable sponsorship deals to travel the world and compete together. Is it a little karate from a fairy tale? Yes, but again, this is "Cobra Kai" and it is good to see these two wild children finally do so.
Miguel Diaz becomes world champion in Cobra Kai Season 6
Thanks to Tori's impressive performance against Zara, Cobra Kai has a real chance to look for Dogo's top place in the boys' final. The overall result before the match is 165 for the Ironoeles dragons and 155 for Cobra Kai, and Miguel is well in the first round against the much larger Axel Kovasevic. His opponent returns strong and angry in the 2nd round, however, the evening of the match the score of 5 to 5 before taking a knockout for another 10.
Down 20 in the total result of dojo, it does not look good for Cobra Kai. But if there is one thing that Miguel is known for the whole series, it returns from long chances and delivers huge victories to the shins. After all, it's a "karate kid", and don't let the ensemble deceive you, he's still the Karate Kid of "Cobra Kai".
After the exciting Pep -talk of Sensei Johnoni (William Tab), Miguel donates his mentor's head and re -examines the ring, fueled by the power of retrospective. The final round of choreography has some fun referrals to the various battles of Miguel throughout the series, attracting his bow to stylish fashion. And, although he finishes the knockout round, that moment only bursts to bind the total results of the dojo. Miguel has been declared a world champion along with Tori, but the Dojo Championship remains a draw, leading to a tiebreaker you could only imagine in the most soap on TV shows: a duel between Senseis.
The laws of 1910 are
Yes, the final Karate fight of "Cobra Kai" It's not for Miguel, Robbie, Tori or Sam. Everything is for Nyoni, whose last period he imposes against the frightening wolf of the Ironelesis Dragons (Louis Tan). How and why the biggest karate tournament in the world has decided that this is the right way to solve relationships is one of those mysteries of Grand Hollywood. It is a nightmare for scheduling, and the one that seems to take the whole focus of the young fighters for whom the tournament is allegedly. But I never mind all that, because Nyoni is a true protagonist of the show, and that means he wins the last battle, even if there is not much sense.
After several searches of the soul, "rocky" training with Sensil Daniel Laruso (Ralph McCio) and some even more explicit "Rocky" references, Nyoni pulls on the mattress and faces a wolf. The struggle itself is a little less climate than the finals of boys and girls, probably because Lewis Tan is one of the most talented actors of military artists today, and William's tooth, for all his charisma and talent, is almost 60. The show's attempts to evoke "The less experienced fighter with more heart beats the egoistic veteran" dynamics of the original "Karate Child", with Nyoni now in the role of the hero, mostly works. However, the victory of the shins is less and less credible when it includes two adult men.
However, Nyoni returned with the clutch victory after descending 2-0 to begin, choosing patience over aggression to earn a decisive point. Cobra Kai won Samai Taikai, and Nyoni and Daniel raised the trophy of the tournament together, although one of them is not even the senses of that dojo and none of them are children who actually competed. The strange end of the strange show, to be sure, but the one that is difficult to get angry. There is nothing wrong with giving each main character to their moment in the sun, and it is nice to see Cobra Kai get out of the mattress with a world title.
Cobra Kai is now fully running on Netflix.
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