What happens to Duoling lately?

Although many social media pets are excellent time followed together with Grim Sagi Duolingo'S Tictor Page, many wonder what is actually happening.

The site is known for some frivolous and hilarious content, but after killing Duo, Mascot Brands, madness just amplified.

Duokov's latest perceive post Duolingo on the tictionary divides that Duo is not the only one who left the building.

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Fans pay their tribute in Duoling's mascot after the early death of the owl

Duolingo on the ticktok
Tictorial | Twelve

It was interesting a few days in DuolingoThe seat and the tictokers are here for that.

While the brand Tictor The page is known for a certain level of madness, what they did earlier this week had viewers to feel like a number of emotions.

"It's with hard hearts to keep you informed that a duo, is formally known as a Duoling owl, dead," Brand wrote in a message on their Instagram and Tiktok pages.

"Authorities are currently investigating the cause of death and fully cooperating. TBH, probably died waited for you to do your lesson, but what do we know."

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Post continued, "We are aware that there are many enemies, but I kindly look for you to refrain from sharing why you hate it comments. If you feel prone to share the number, please include your credit card number so we can automatically sign you SI for DUOLING MAX in his memory. "

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Now everyone in Duol has teamed up in Duo on the other side

Only days after the desire death of the Du, it seems that in Duoling headquarters occurred in a duoister work.

On Thursday morning, Brand shared a video that shows the view of their gloomy seat, "We believe in transparency and we wanted to share this update of the heart. We will explore."

One person asked, "Are all the dead!?" And the page answered: "Unfortunately, yes."

Many brands entered the chat to add to genre and confusion.

FedEx wrote, "delivering our respect," and Portraits of Jcpenney said, "We need answers."

Other brands that fell in the comments for sharing something for Duolingo include UTZ snacks, locking the UK and Ireland, T-Mobile and many others.

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Brands are also entering a folly tictor with videos

Peeling Tata's Tictor The site is also known for some dissatisfied madness similar to Duolingo, so, of course, they did not miss the rhythm when it was announced that the Duo passed.

On Wednesday, they shared a video that has a duo and their mascot.

Written, "Rip Duo. You just started paying for children's support. What I'm going to do now," Video quickly went a virus.

Smartsweets wrote: "This is how I found out..duo had children?!? And peeling dad replied, "Yes and now they are partly orphan." Visa jumped into comments to ask: "Are you looking for a stepmother? Too soon ??"

Build-a-bear divided, "let us know if you need emotional support." And Denny's dinner said, "I hope the duo returns like a ticket," What peeling dad replied, "some Denny's gift cards would help me in those attempts."

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One viewer pointed out, "I'm sincerely glad to live in" social media companies crossed wild. " (It is probably safe to say that many others can treat that feeling completely.)

Tarte cosmetics joined the tictor party

Tarte cosmetics joined the Tictor The trend of mourning the duo while creating an interesting brand Buzz.

In his first video that deals with Duo's death, they asked, "Which Canada Rapper should I ask for?" throwing guilt in Drake corner. (If you were monitored with this Saga, many duoling followers curve Drake for Du's death in a hilarious plot of twist.)

Tone brands threw in the comments of Tarte so that the story would preserve the roll.

Bloom Nutrition said: "Hide doesn't feel", and the peaceful app shared ", rolling your emotions."

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Tarte cosmetics revealed 'situations' with duo

In monitoring the video, Tarte held a parcel strong when they discovered that their mascot was in the "situation" with the beloved Duoling owl.

Spoiler warning: Tarte's mascot also thrown out the bucket, just like Duo and many other brand mascots this week.

"First Duo, another Vita Coco, then dr. Squatch, and now you," one person is divided in the comments. "He was with other mascots. Sad for all broken hearts," said another. Another viewer wrote ", the world suffers."

One spectator was more interested in the product and when he will return in stock, "I'm dying to try the stamp of Tarte. When will he return to the warehouse?" Tarte replied, "I mourned (I'll ask the team)."

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