Welcome to Kishore Mother Ryan Edwards and Girlfriend Amanda Karna 1st Child

Teenage mother Ryan Edwards and girlfriend Amanda Karn welcomed their first baby
Courtesy of Amanda Konar/Instagram

Teen Mother: The next Chapter They Ryan Edwards And his fiancee, AmandaThere is plenty of celebration with the arrival of their first baby together.

The couple said in a statement, "Today we welcome our gift from God Subar, Presley Sage Eliana Edwards," Man Wednesday, February 12. "We are really blessed to welcome this beautiful healthy baby girl in our family."

According to the publication, Baby Prisley was born in the morning: 15: 3pm weighing 7 pounds, 3 oz. And measure 20 -in.

Ryan and Amanda added, "We have worked so hard to reach our goals and build a new life with all our kids." "We are looking forward to being a healthy happy family and are deeply grateful for everyone's love and assistance."

Ryan is already the father of son Bentley, whom he welcomed with the ex Bookout of Machie Son Jagar and daughter Stella on October 28, whom he and wife were separated Edwards Were in October 2018 and January 2020 respectively. Amanda also has a son in the previous relationship.

Amanda Confirmed her pregnancy By Tikatok in October 2024. "Do you have any 'morning' illness during your pregnancy?" A social media user wrote in his video comment section. "OMG girl, I was very sick I thought I would go .. I don't know how I am between the two !! šŸ’–. "

Amanda replied, "Same !! It has been fairly pregnant. "

Teenage mother Ryan Edwards and girlfriend Amanda Karn welcomed their first baby
Courtesy of Amanda Konar/Instagram

After that month, this couple - who has been dating from September 2023 - shared Their baby's gender In an exclusive interview with Our weeklyThe "It's not completely out, but it doesn't need to be a secret," said Amanda at the time. "We have a little girl, and I'm very excited and proud of it."

Ryan then pressed, "I am very excited. I actually wanted a girl. "

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Where does time go? Tin Mum premiered on MTV in 20 and the kids of Caitlin Loyal, Amber Portwood, McKie Bookout and Farah Abraham were all grown up. Tin Mum, Loyl, Bookout and Portwood have expanded their families since the main season. Lowell and long -time partner Tyler Baltier, whom he married in 2015, shared his daughter (ā€¦)

The pair shared their hopes to their daughter, they mentioned that they wanted to be respectful, etiquette and truth to be valuable.

Amanda said "honesty is my biggest thing, who are you, me and Ryan who is honest about who I am, I want to be honest about that," said Amanda OursThe ā€œI don't want to hide anything from him. I'm going to be very careful. I don't want to be a helicopter mother, but I don't want our child to go through what we had to do. I just want that he is very open to the world but the attitude of some things is strong "."

Teenage mother Ryan Edwards and girlfriend Amanda Karn welcomed their first baby
Courtesy of Amanda Konar/Instagram

This pair further revealed that they were open to share their pregnancy journey Teen Mother: The next ChapterAlthough the MTV reality show was not renewed at that time.

"If they continue filming, yes we're ready for it," said Amanda. ā€œI hope they continue. At this point, we really don't know, but yes, if they come and ask us we will be more happy to share it. The fingers have exceeded. "

Ryan and Amanda are both Struggle with legal problems In the past, they said Ours They were ready to welcome their first child together, they concentrated on their comfort and a new path.

"People can change and we can do better," mentioned Amanda. ā€œPeople can fix themselves and do better. I only hope people could see it. "

Ryan added, "I think we both have come a long way."

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