They played video games while drowning the baby

Joshua Ruiz-Martinez32-year-old Florida father, arrested and charged his baby after drowning, while supposedly playing video games.

Related: Prayers up! Florida man accused him of running over the child of 8 months "on the road"

Joshua Ruiz-Martinez for more details on arrests and charges

According to Fox 35 OrlandoRuiz-Martinez's arrest order was issued on February 10. He also put his father behind the charges behind the charges. For each store, they are currently doing 32 years without bond.

More details when Florida's father drowned in the spa, while supposedly playing video games

According to the shop, a rough event happened on April 21, 2024. Date, Ruiz-Martinez decided to draw his daughter bath because he was talking about "busting". Initially, the authorities told them that the tube filled his stomach. Then, "he left for about three minutes to get a bottle." When he returned, he said he found him a baby who found it "immersed under water".

However, when the police checked his father's computer and the phone, he showed that he was "actively" playing video games, until he found his daughter unconscious. Per FlyThe records showed only the daughter left for at least ten minutes.

For each outlet, when the police shared this discovery with Ruiz-Martinez, he became emotional.

"I died for a daughter of my daughter? Tell me if I didn't kill my daughter a game," said the police.

In addition to the Florida Father, a Milwaukee man was arrested for the child of the children on the children of video games for alleged actions

So Shadow room In advance, a father of Milwaukee made similar titles in November 2024. Jalin White said his 8-month-old son fell from a air mattress while the diaper was changing.

Then the child suffered hard injuries.

However, police determined that the police were injured by the child after the child threw the child on a wall after the NBA 2 is frustrated on a video game.

Related: Say what? The Milwaukee man arrested his 8-month son on a wall above the loss of the NBA 2

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