Kanye West supposedly paid $ 250,000 to obtain “sex tape” out of the market

Kanye West He allegedly paid $ 250,000 to prevent the release of Lewd video himself joining with an escort while high on MDMA.

These information revealed a brokering broker for sex that took the Instagram to perform a controversial rapper for their recent anti-Semic remarks.

Kanye West was in the news for all the wrong reasons when he took over to his / her account to release the tirade of misogynistic and anti-Semitic comments, leading to his talent.

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Kanye West reportedly paid $ 250,000 to disappear "sex tape"

Kanye West wears a black sweatshirt
Setc / Mega

The West is charged with a payment of $ 250,000 to prevent "embarrassing" sexual strips from its exit.

The states were equated against him the infamous ex-broker for Kevin Blatt's sex trays, who had taken his stories to the Instagram, to suggest the West, was tall on the side of the party, while compiling a sex worker in the video.

Publishing a picture without a "Donda" shirt in what the hotel room is, Blatt wrote: "You remember the sexual cassette I helped you take off the market in 2012. years with those whores in Vegas?"

"Yes, this Jew did not forget what a terrible performance and small (eggplant emoji) in MDMA," he continued. "Hey, why don't you go f-ck your favorite person in the world."

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Toward The American sunBlatt, notorious to relieve the exit of the Sex Tape of Paris Hilton "one night in Paris", explained that the video was thrown somewhere around December 2012. years. However, he entered that he helped in West to be in public.

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Video could have affected Kanye West chances to marry Kim Kardashian

Kanye West (ye) wearing looks Dunhill arrives at Vanity Fair Fair 2020. Years
Xavier Collin / Press Agency / Mega

The West began to date Kim Kardashian earlier that year before she announced she expected her baby in December, at the time he saw a hit market.

The correct video time was recorded remains unknown because there is no time mark on it. However, Blatt believes that this happened about a year before the West began to hang out with Kardashian, and their marriage should not happen should have been in public.

"The cassette was purchased at the end of 2012. years, and that was when I got involved," Blatt said The American sun. "Kanye saved the video saved on his laptop, and later I learned that his cousin stole a laptop, and that is what he does not work on" No more parties in LA ".

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He continued, "I didn't know that then. The tape was purchased. Kanye didn't want to get the cassette out there, and I helped him not himself, as I helped many famous personalities. It's how Hollywood works, and I did I inflicted a polite life from sex tape. "

"Kanye nije hteo da izlazi jer je bio sa Kim Kardashianom u to vreme. Mislim da bi se ne bi udala za njega da bi je vidjela jer je to bila sa pratnjom, a bilo je i sa pratnjom, a bilo je iu pratnji, a was also accompanied, and there was also accompanied, and there was also accompanied, and there was also accompanied, and there was also accompanied, and there was also accompanied, and it was and accompanied, and there was accompanied, and there was accompanied, and there was also accompanied, and there was also accompanied and was also involved and there was an accompaniment and was involved in drugs - "best look", Blatt added.

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Broker for the sexual cassette broke up with Raper for his anti-Semitic comments

Kanye West in a black jacket

In his interview with The American sunBlatt explained that only this public only does because of the Western recent tirade anti-Semitic comments, saying that the reopper "Carnival" would remember how Jewish people came to him earlier.

He claimed that if he did not help him prevent him from coming out, "People would laugh at him" because they "are" Rappins ", and it's embarrassing like hell."

"Let's just say that any love picture thought it might have been completely destroyed," he continued. "I'm not trying to get money out of this, that's not what it's about."

Blatt added: "The only reason I'm saying now is because I want Kanye to realize that his actions have consequences - I don't want to forget how much the Jewish people - like me," he helped me his career. "

"It's surrounded by Jewish people every day, and they helped him get to the top of his game - and then he would say these disgusting things?" He wondered.

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Kanye West fell because of her anti-Semitic rant

Kanye West Heads to the meeting in Sherman oaks after the church

The West took on its X account to free numerous criticism against the Jewish community while apparently promoting Nazism.

In one Tweet, he wrote: "I am a Nazis," and later I rolled it up with "I love Hitler now what B-tches".

"I can say that the Jew is as much as I want, I can tell Hitler as much as I want, I say that I say when I want," Rapper said in another Tweet.

In the second he said, "Jews are arrogant and think that I can talk to who they want to whatever any way is every Jewish wife B-tch."

After the calculation of anti-Semitic comments, West faced massive backgrounds from Netisen, and its talent agency, 33 and west rejected.

"Effectively immediately, I don't represent more Ye (F / K / A Kanye West) because of his recent harmful and hatred notes that I can plans either either," Daniel McCartney wrote on his Instagram stories.

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WEB LOCATION RAPER was taken off over the swastika

Kanye West seems annoyed as he held a mini fair on his daughter to the North Basketball game in thousands of oak

The West also lost its website on Shopify once it has set Svastik Merch for sale. The shirt, designed with a round neck and the symbol of the wasteworks on the chest, sold for $ 20.

After lowering the site, the platform published a statement on Tuesday to explain its decision.

"All traders are responsible for monitoring the rules of our platform," the company noticed.

They added. "This trader did not deal with authentic economic practice and violated our conditions, so we removed them from Shopeify."

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