Ryan Dorsey It opens about a devastating loss Naya RiveraDiscovering new details about the day "Glee" star tragically drowned in 33. July 20. July 2020. years.
Naya Rivera was on the way to the boat with his then 4-year-old son, Josey, on Lake Piru in Ventura County, California. According to reports, and later confirmed Josey's account, two went swimming in the lake.
At some point, Naya Rivera helped Josey on the ship, but she couldn't retire.
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Ryan Dorsey shares the hearted new details about the final moments of Naya River

In his first petty interview because Rivera passes, Dorsey talked to People Magazine About how their son, Josey, now 9, still has a deep sense of guilt because of what happened on the lake piru in Ventura County, California. According to Dorsey, Josey, who was only 4 years old at the time, repeatedly expressed he tried to help his mother, but he was too scared to act.
"Something he said and he was more that he was trying to find the lifetime raft, and there was a rope, but he was a big spider on the rope, and he was scared too much to throw it," Dorsey shared. "I constantly assure it," Buddy, that rope will not be long enough. ""
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Josey also reminds that the wind was strong that day, and he initially hesitated to enter the water. However, Rivera encouraged him, talking to him, "Don't be silly!"
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Naya Rivera drowned after helping her son on the ship

While swimming, Rivera noted that the ship began to give up, a key detail that was involved in the wrong fatal lawsuit Dorsey later filed against Ventur Countywhich was located in 2022. years. Rental was lacking security and flotation devices, which could help prevent tragedies.
Realizing the boat is moving away, Rivera called Josey to swim back. The young man recalled grabbed on "tanks" and pulled around "around the boat" while his mother worked on taking him into safety.
According to the reports of the incidents, Rivera finally drowned after exhausting, helping Josey on the ship.
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"He said the last thing she said, and then she went underneath, and he didn't see her again," Dorsey said. "Just rock my world that he had to testify to her last moments."
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The moment Dorsey learned Naya has gone

Dorsey learned that Rivera was missing through a phone call from the maternal husband. He was then at the Ralph Supermarket in Big Bear Lake, California, buying a buddha inventory.
"I crashed in a pallet of drinks," Dorsey recalled. "I'm afraid of the worst."
Without hesitation, he raced 145 miles to Lake Piru, desperately to reach his son. "I drove 100 - and - something all the way with my four-way hazards, cigarettes for smoking in a chain and I don't even smoke, and I'm just crying," he said. "I just wanted to arrive at Josey."
When Josey's authorities found themselves and they sleep on the ship that confirmed all the worst fears. Rivera disappeared under the water for three hours earlier, and she started the search for her body.
Dealing with loss and maintenance of Nayaine memory live

After five days of seeking, the authorities pulled the River's body on 13. July 2020, in the remote part of the lake. "When that happened, I just found to be a shivered, as:" I can't believe she's gone, "Dorsey admitted. "It's still so surreal every day."
In the years of the tragedy, Dorsey and Josey worked on moving in life without shores. Two years ago, they moved from Los Angeles to West Virginia, where they built a peaceful life. While achieving stress, the holidays are especially difficult.
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"We made this book of memories of Josey who sitting on his bed, and during the holiday he cried while looking at it," Dorsey shared. "You can just hug him and say," I know, life isn't fair. Bad things happen and there is no reason to do so and you just have to do your best to keep good to be a good person. "
He admits that the finding of the right words is to explain the tragedy still a challenge.
"It's hard to try to explain things you really can't make sense no matter what year," he said. "I'm not a big believer in everything happen for a reason because I can never think of a reason why he doesn't have his mom."
Move forward

Despite the pain, Josey remains a bright and happy child, bringing joy to those around him.
"Wake up happy, all energy," Dorsey said. "I'm trying to be the best parent who can be and raised a good little man. He gives me a reason to continue with my life."
Although the loss of the river will always feel deeply, Dorsey continues to respect her memory, raising Josey with love, resistance and strength values that the river was embodied.
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