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This article contains mild spoilers for "your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man".
From the first episode, "your friendly neighboring spider-man" made it clear that some Speedy Principles from Earth would be re-examined. This Peter Parker (Hudson Thames) still lost his Uncle Ben, but before he became Spiderman. So, he never learned the lesson to be responsible with his great power. Worse still, there is no Tony Stark is encouraged by mentor Spiderman as in Marvel's film universe. No, this time Peter's sponsor is Norman Osborne (Coleman Domingo).
Domingo steals the show as Norman. This Mr. He has not done anything evil yet, but he used Peter to resolve his result with Ottavius (Hugh Dansi) and Daredeville (Charlie Cox) claims that Oskorp is hiding something. Plus, there is a reason for Norman's business lawsuit Green - His fate is to replace him for Goblin's suit sooner or later.
In the eighth and latest episode, "Teen Network", Peter is still withdrawing from a brutal battle with Mac Gargan/Scorpion (Athonatan Medina). Norman pulls "not angry, just disappointed" with Peter, telling him that he should be imposed on his boundaries and beyond. Norman condenses his point in six simple words: "With great power comes great ... Respect.
It is clear that it is turning the classic lesson Peter has learned from Uncle Ben - you know the one.
"With great power comes great responsibility" are some of the most durable words Stan Lee has ever written. When the psychic mutant Emma Frost peeled off in Peter's mind, they even melted her diamond heart:
Not so convinced, however. See this unimpressed response from The safe friend of Nico Minoru Gertrud Yorkers:
Norman also clearly has a different download. "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" is certainly the viewer's banking, knowing the line so that it can twist it. The way Norman flips the feeling to his face (narcissistic capitalist). He believes in the virtue of responsibility, but for self-blocking, even especially to the detriment of others.
Which means great responsibility in Spider-Man
Spider-Man adaptations vary a surprising amount when it comes to displaying Norman Osborne. Sometimes, like Sam Raimi's "Spiderman" films, Norman (perfect porridge Willem Dafo) is a disadvantage, but a decent man and father. Goblin is a divided person; Norman ID does what he would like to do if not for his conscience.
Other times (including the original comics), the green goblin is a mask only in the literal sense. Norman is a fundamental evil, a hungry man who can never be satisfied no matter how much "respect" he receives. Although he was already a successful businessman, he became Green Goblin to use control of crime rackets in Yorkyork - he had previously conquered the world of world legitimate Business, so time was for a new challenge.
Speaking, Norman joined his business partners to make Oscorp in the giant. (In "Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman", we didn't get the whole story of his fall with Ottavius, only their two biased memories of it, but ...) When he first became Spiderman, only Peter wanted to look out for himself - then His uncle died because he could not mind standing with a robber. That way Peter decided would only use his powers to help others, while Norman never stopped looking at others as stepping stones.
Norman who teaches Peter that he should strive for "great respect" is Osborne's latest iteration, trying to get Peter into his successor, as he has in several past Spiderman stories. Norman sees Peter as an exceptional young man, one who has qualities - intelligence, determination, resourcefulness - which Norman proudly sticks to himself, and who often lacks his true son Harry.
Why Norman Osborn is Peter Parker's perfect villain
Returning to Raimi's first film "Spiderman"; Norman smiles when he first met Peter, surprising that the boy had read his research papers and understood them. You can see that Harry (Jameses Franco) has never expressed such interest in Norman's work. When Goblin takes over, he tries to convince Spiderman that he should stop looking for the little one:
"Here's the true truth: there are eight million people in this city. And those tables exist with the sole purpose of lifting several exceptional people on their shoulders. You, I? We are exceptional."
This is a philosophy of objectivism, an Ain Rand pioneer - it is no surprise that Norman would be a fan of her. If you know something about the history of Spider-Man, however, this feels extra-compressive. Stan Lee, a Rand fan presented his writing to the artist "Incredible Spider-Man" Steve Ditko (According to the graphic biography "Strange and Terrible: The World of Steve Ditko"). Ditko, attractive and stubborn artist who abruptly gave up Spiderman's drawing after #38, doubled as a lensist, preaching that artists should not endanger their work for average managers (see: "Fountainhead").
So both of you who created a spider-man "The virtue of selfishness" -How "Spiderman" the film put these words in villain mouth. It shows how there is no way to interpret what "great responsibility" means and that Spiderman and Green Goblin are opposite because they take different readings about it.
"Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" is streaming on Disney+. The final of the season 1 debut on February 19, 2025.
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