Why don't Nancy Travis be the last man to be Tim Allen's seatcom wife

Last Man Standings Nancy Travis Team Alane Shifting Gears Wife Don't Want To Be Met
Nancy Travis and Tim Allen. Michael Baker / Fox

After the game Tim AllenWife for about 10 years The last man stood, Nancy Traveis When they re -combined on ABC were interested in trying something new Gear transferThe

With an exclusive interview with Our weeklyTravis broke The presence of his guest Gear transferWhich was aired on Wednesday, February 12.

“I got a call that was a part that they wanted me and I love they created this relationship with the role of Charlota. He is not this cliché of a wife or girlfriend, "Travis (63) teased." (Instead of it) like two ships (including Charlotte and Matt). They really affect each other's life's path - perhaps more for matte. "

Have enjoyed travis The screen is being shared With Allen, 71, adds again, "Charlotte is catalyst for him. It was fun to act in someone who had the experience shared with the character of the team, which is true in real life. Gears is a stranger - only one who meets Matt who can notify his life. "

Last people standing they are now Tim Allen Nancy Travis Lead 095

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The latest man standing is over, but the stars of the show, including Tim Allen, Nancy Traveis and Cattlein Dever, are on our screen. The seat began on the ABC and played Allen as an executive in the store chain of a sports product in Colorado Denver. Mike Boxer's three daughters married father and grandfather (…)

The Gear transfer Punctional will share the screen since Allen and Travis ABC for the first time The last man stoodThe Allen and Travis played a fictional couple from 20 to 2021: Mike and Vanessa Boxer.

After The last man stood Came the end, allen I am back to comedy space With Gear transferWhich was premiere last month. The show has followed Allen's character, a widow, when he reconnected with his isolated daughter Relie (Cat Denns) Wednesday's episode is Valentine's Day-Them, because Allen's character Matt Bonds with Charlotte, whose late wife's grave met.

Last Man Standings Nancy Travis Team Alane Shifting Gears Wife Don't Want To Be Met
Michael Baker/Fox

“It was great not to play a wife (this time). It was great. It was really fun to be able to get the entire knowledge of working with the team and the whole resource of the relationship. From the rhythm of the rhythm, how to set up a joke and how to tell a story together, it was great to be able to take it and apply it to Charlotte, "Travis mentioned." You think Nancy Travis is about to return Switching the gear The world and I think it's a unique and cute way that they made it engineer ""

Something The last man stood Devotee Hopefully Travis could become Allen After the onscreen wife again Ours The news of his casting broke. Travis, however, is not sure he wants to re -create a dynamic that came so effortlessly The last man stoodThe

“I enjoy working with him but I think that the characters are new and fun to explore different relationships. It is very meta -maybe too very meta, ”he said OursThe "I really like what they have made, which is a colleague of the soul. It may be that his ex-wife's ghost-Venessa-who comes to someone else's soul. But I like the summary of what they made with this different relationship ”"

Travis will no longer deny any more Back Gear transfer But

“Team he likes what he does and it is like a host of almost any team. But at the same time, he is very conscientious and truly it is any story that is very influential ways - jobless and sensitive and truthful, "he explained." So he is a part of the great scene. Also everyone has a really great time on the set and it's at a party Like ""

When travis Allen's first former custar To attend, he said Ours There was no pressure to attend her ex -TV husband, adding, "I felt the opposite. I showed and had an invitation and warm feeling like staying there. We have a good time to work together and everyone has enjoyed seeing us. It was just a very kind, fun and warm group. "

He concluded: “Even from other actors that I had never worked before. I just felt that I was part of this show - though I am not. So it is a proof to such people Switching the gear - including the shower Michelle NaderThe … Cat Denning was great. I really had no scene with him but only my interaction with him on the set. She is simply warm and funny and great. This is a beautiful event. "

Gear transfer ABC was aired on ET at 8pm on Wednesday before streaming the next day in Hulu.

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