Jessica Simpson And Eric Johnson Still their separation Move away from their family homeThe
"Jessica is focusing on the separation and focusing on wellness," a formula exclusively reveals the latest issue Our weeklyReferring to the singer and designer "doing better every day".
Insider says the 5 -year -old actress has a "very positive attitude" after being divided from Johnson, Insider says. Although it has been a "painful last year", " Simpson is ready to proceedThe
The source said, “He is hunting at (and) home in LA OursRefer to him and Johnson's three children, Maxwell, 12, S, 11, and Bordy, 5The

Insider added, Simpson confirmed his divorce 10 years after the wedding, "This is best to do it with a positive mentality" and "Taking things at a time at a time", added insider.
"Eric and I am living separately by navigating a painful situation in our wedding," Simpson said Ours In a statement on January 7th Break -up imaginationThe “Our kids come first and we are focusing on what is best for them. We are grateful for the love and support we are on our way and we appreciate privacy right now because we work through it as a family. "
Simpson is currently working towards the building A new life without JohnsonThe source says, "There is not much towards the divorce because they are still in the separation stage."
Despite the lack of legal progress, Simpson "is trying his best to keep his children as much as possible with Eric and protect his kids," shared the source OursThe
Through all this, Simpson "works on new projects and is embracing the time of this change," says Insider.
The part of its new season is releasing music for it For the first time in 15 yearsThe (Simpson has given up on him Happy Christmas Album in 2010.)
"His (new) album is coming soon," says a second source OursSimpson reveals that "it is anxious and excited to reveal to the world."
"I love you forever" the singer returned to his music business At the beginning of this monthSharing a picture through Instagram that seemed to be a recording session.
According to Insider, Simpson's upcoming record is "very sensitive" and "his story, his struggle and the personal journey he is passing will be to say more."
"Music is completely different from his pop classics and he is interested in listening to the fans," teases the source.
Jessica's sister, Ashley Simpson juiceThe fans are so thrilled to see what his older sister is doing.
"His music is coming, and (it) so exciting," Ashley, 40, Has been mentioned exclusively Ours Feb 5 at the Hollywood Virgin Book Launch Party. "I'm so proud of him."
In the ongoing divorce, Ashley also jumped about his sister's power. About Jessica, a colleague musician says, "(he is) the best spirits."
Ashley explained, "Look, we are strong young women. It's a great thing about life, (it) is always growing and finding yourself, wherever it is to be. "
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