Debut on the big screen of Captain America on Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) finally at hand. After the significant amount of copies and retellations, director Juluulius Delayed "Captain America: Brave New World" It now affects the theaters only on time for the day of the Wine. Thanks to its troubled production, the film can potentially be one of Larger boxing -Marvel's patches. However, at the end of the day, the question you can do or break down the film is as simple as they come - is "Captain America: The Brave New World" actually good?
The early reactions of the film are now taking place online, and from it, many people think that the "brave new world" has a lot of things that are going on. Editor -in -Director of Ben Kendrick It was among those who had the opportunity to see the film in advance, and he pointed out some good things about X (previously known as Twitter):
#Captainamericabravenewworld is a lot of things: some good, some okay. It is exciting, offering a valuable message in a time, is a return to the form of the main MCU after a series of disappointments and is one of the first to advance in the MCU story by post-game. '
Another place, a movie critic John Chandler He admitted he expects a little bit of the film. Anyway, he ended up pleasantly surprised, though he was slightly underestimated by the movie's game:
#Captainamericabravenewworld They both met and exceeded my low expectations. You can feel the rest of the whole movie and the main villain was a big miss. But this is the most okherous MCC since 2019. Sam has good chemistry with his partners and can deliver the feeling.
Others, as the editor -in -chief of a non -ferret Rotem is brokenThat show for hashtag Junior Felixand out of the trailer Grace Randolph He also praised the film. As such, it seems to be moving in cinemas with very good will.
Many early reactions consider the brave new world to be "beautiful" but still missing something
Several wounds said that "Captain America: The brave new world" seems to be playing things pretty safe. Critic and Jutuber Chris Parker He recognized the quality of the film, but revealed that its complete quality is a lack:
#Captainamericabravenewworld is a pleasant watch with decent action sequences and a few moments at times. However, it did not hit the emotional or narrative heights I was hoping for. I loved it soft as a cap and I appreciated the more serious tone, but it felt a little empty.
Effef Nelson The Guy's Guy came out of the theater with a similar impression. However, he was significantly sharper in his criticism:
A flat political thriller with exposed emotional stakes, recycled points of plot and a forward shutdown path. Another forgotten villain.
A word that repeated time again and time was "good" in the sense that the film is decent, but quite dear. People moving from the editor -in -chief of bleeding cool Caitlin Butt and a critic Brandon Norwood to the Jam report Doug Jameimison All used variations on this topic in their tweets for the film, which they consider to be solid but not quite st. As a near-universal positive, however, is the fact that even the stricter critics of the movie-like Germermen Lucier The Gizmodo and IO9, who felt the "brave new world", was unnecessarily complex and scattered - enjoyed the work of Anthony Mackie as our new Captain America.
As such, although "Captain America: The Brave New World" may not win the title of the best film on the Universe "Marvel Cinema Universe Enjoy many films.
"Captain America: A brave new world" opens in theaters on February 14, 2025.
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