Why Tom Hanks Da Vinci was pantsless to Mona Lisa on the Vinci Code set

Ron Howard revealed why Tom Hanks Mona Lisa was in front of da Vinci Code in front
Dave J Hogan/Dave J Hogan/Getty Fig

When Tom Hanks Iconic Mona Lisa found himself with his own pants in front of Painting The Da Vinci CodeDirector Ron Howard Could not help but laugh.

Howard, 70, recalled the funny story during a moving Good day On Friday, February told the reunion event in Megacan, Orlando, "All our grip tools and camera equipment were in the Mona Lisa room in Paris Luer".

"At one point, we were really hurrying, we were behind the schedule. And Tom Hanks did not have time to return to his dressing room for a change for the next scene, "Howard explained through the image of 20 2006 ManThe "So I was giving him some notes about what's going to be the next scene and he was changing his pants in front of Mona Lisa."

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The The filmmaker has acknowledged He could not let the smiling moment go to the notice. "I said, 'Wait a minute. This is a moment that we need to remember, "said Howard, it all reveals He has worked on the projects With Hanks - Like Splash And Apollo 13 - This Wardrobe change was one of the foreigners. (This pair has worked on a total of five projects including The Da Vinci Code Franchisee sequel, Angel And Inferno.)

“We were underwater with the marmed, we were weightless Apollo 13And now you are pantsless with Mona Lisa, " Howard remembers Say Hanks, 68.

Although the image is serious in the melody and content, Hanks is not the only wild moment of filming pantslass inside the famous Art Museum. (The mystery movie is concentrated on Hanks' Robert Langdon because he is trying to solve a murder inside the lover with the hidden clues in The Vinci.)

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Paul BetaniWho played Silsa in the movie, told another funny atel of Hank to Hank in March 2021 Stephen Late Show with CalbertThe

"I had to catch him and I had to bribe him in the stomach and it was very quiet on the set," Betani, 53, remember. “When the stunt is going on, it is always quiet because you are worried that someone is supposed to be injured. So, everyone is listening, and I knocked her in the stomach, and he really, in fact, expressed it out loud. "

The actor was so disappointed at the moment that he did not know what "the form is" and what to do the next.

“When you do The biggest movie star World Ferts? "Betani asked," I looked at him. And he went, 'What happened to you? You just made me!'

Hanks also remembered the shouting shot too, saying its version when attended Graham Norton show In 2019.

“I hit Paul Betani The Da Vinci Code" Hanks has sharedReferring to, "in the film fight, everyone behaves like a true fight". "

He explained, "Paul ran and I met him and what had to happen was that he was supposed to be scattered against a desk and then I went down to the ground. When I hit the floor, I am filled with. "

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