After "Casino Royal", Bond's best movie ever madeHe debuted in 2006, Sony Pictures and longtime bond keepers Eon Production delivered what is still considered a historic tracking mistake. "Quanta of Comfort" was, in fact, one of the biggest disasters in history 007, but not for claimed reasons At that time. Despite doing $ 591 million In the world, he claims that the film was, as Oeo Morgenstern of the Wall Street Journalournal, "Model of Mediocrity", has become a dominant look, and Eon has scattered.
The company returned to the drawing board, bringing the director "American Beauty" and "Revolutionary Road" Sam Mendes to Helm Bond's next walk. Then, another blow came: in 2010, MGM, which distributed all Eon Bond films, went bankrupt.
Fortunately, the Jamesesheims Bond saga found its way regardless, and Skyfall debuted in 2012 at Elleven Views and A. $ 1.1 billion The global download treasurer, making the highest gross board of all time to this day. However, Mendes himself seems to regret the film and would change a specific aspect of Skyfall if he had a chance.
Bond (almost) comes to Bunor Regis
I have a special memory of when MGM went bankrupt, mainly because, I grew up on the British South Bank, I was surprised to find out that 007 money would come to my small hometown. I remember talking about how Bond's next movie was forced to reduce its plans to shoot exotic locations and will use more domestic bars. The next thing I knew, Bond was coming to Butlins.
For those who have not grown up in a Victorian coastal resort, Butlins is a slightly vacation resort chain that has happened to have a location in Bunor Regis. At that time, I remember the rumors of how 007 had to spend the Millennium Dome in his next film, but the producers could only afford to use the recreation of the thighs. At that time, The Guardian Untuventicly delivered the news: "Bond goes to Bunor Regis." As the exit announced, "budget restrictions meant that Skyfall can no longer afford to shoot in five of the planned six countries." But Bond's recording reports on the road from my Nan proved to be false. 007 never came to Butlins.
However, Skyfall ended up filming much more in the UK than your standard Bond movie. Although Daniel Craig's super spy ended in a visit to Shanghai and Istanbul in the finished film, London was also shown strong, and the climax was fully held in Scotland. Moreover, Skyfall coincided with Bond's 50th anniversary 1962 "DO" - The film that launched the most durable franchise - And there was a special glorious spirit of the film, partly prompted by obvious pride for the homeland of 007. All things are wrong with Skyfall, it seems that this is something that Mendes complains about.
Sam Mendes is right for Skyfall for the wrong reasons
There are many things that, if you haven't assumed, I don't like "Skyfall". The meta-running of the history of the relationship and the strange attempt to keep the series "then-new" Gritst "along with the outbursts and unstable Maudlin celebration of the UK itself, it just didn't work for me. At that last point, Sam Mendes is at least somewhat in accordance.
In an interview with Hollywood reporter For the 10th anniversary of Skyfall, the director was asked if there was anything he would change about the film. "I would think twice to have a bond on the roofs of Whitehall, with the Jackec Union flags in the breeze, given the last 10 years of serial incapacity from the (London) conservative government," he said. Indeed, the film ends with Bond reviewing capital from the roof of the Mrs, as the Jackack Union dances in the wind. Mendes continued:
"At that time we see as a kind of bizarre Golden era. And "Skyfall" was much of its time as a movie, and much influenced by the fact that at that moment there was a real national pride for the country. And it was also the 50th anniversary of Bond - Bond jumped from the helicopter with the queen of the Olympics that year.
While Mendes's regret seems to be based on his contempt for the conservative government, I think he may be right for the wrong reasons (though I have no problem with the fact that he is considering the Tories). There is a scene in Skyfall that includes a link to Daniel Craig that passes through the streets of London, while Mudy Dench M (who had a nerve to kill) Tennyson, and is honestly one of the most unnecessary and unnecessary restless moments in film. which is obviously celebrating Bond's long history for a hard requirement phlegmatism and British insincerity. I would take Bond's commitment through the Butlins' dome during this stupidity every day.
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