The Lord of the Rings: Who are Frodo's parents?

Family things on the middle country. Frodo and Bilbo are cousins (Yes, cousins, no uncle and nephew). Frodo, Pippin and Mary are blood related in different ways, too. Galadriel and Elband end with the laws (and yes, it makes their Non-Canonic Kiss in "Power Rings" a little uncomfortable). Even Aragorn and Arwen are constantly so distant connected if you come back far enough.

Wherever you look, family history affects Tolkien's world events. The author even gives us views of family details that do not directly affect the main story, even if they are crucial in setting the scene. For example, we know who Frodo's parents are - and we know about their tragic fate.

Frodo's mother and dad are Miss Primulima Brandibak and M -Drogo Baggins. These are Bilbo's first and second cousins, respectively, explaining why Frodo initially climbed the Hobbit Bachelor Radar as a potential successor. Frodo's parents come from well -respected households in Hobbit. Bagins are lowered to the ground, practical hobbies that never get out of the way to hunt trouble. Brandybucks are a little more exotic. They live on the edge of Shire, closer to all the problems of distant countries. This proximity to the outside world means that they also do many things like non-Hobbits, like watering. Most hobbies hate water, so when Drogo visits his wife's region, it leads to some risky water activities, followed by their untimely death.

The tragic death of Frodo's parents

JRR Tolkien opens the book "The Ring Scholarship" by reporting on how Bilbo wears twenty -something Frodo to use the bag to live with him as his adopted successor. Frodo is acceptable at this point because his parents have died, not from old age, illness or illness. Their young lives ended up abruptly due to a sailing accident.

In the early pages of the book, the father of Sam Gamgi, Gafer, tells the story of a thrilled crowd over the pint, starting from the Hobbit-IC line, "Decent respectable hobbit was Mr. Drogo Baggins; He never had much to say about him until he drowned. " Here's the story briefly.

Primula's father is Master Gorbaddia Brandibak. Gorbaddia is the master of Buckland (Brandibax leader), and his house is known for his fame and good food, an obvious prerequisite for Hobbit's life. Once Drogo and Pruda are hung, they regularly visit the mother -in -law. While they are in the field of food, they also use the opportunity to make some non-Bagin floors. At one point, they go out to the Brandivin River, and a man and woman drowned in a sailing incident. The thing is, while the gaffer is convinced that the event was a little more than bad handling the ship (and proof that the boats were just as dangerous as they say), there were darker rumors about what was behind the "accident".

Unfortunate rumors about Frodo's parents' death

In the book "Rings' Scholarships", when Gafer tells the story of Drogo and Primula's death, more people stop to share other dark rumors about the tragedy. One is simple enough. They came out after dinner on the moon, and the huge weight of Drogo was too much to handle the ship - a warning story of other overweight crazy.

However, the local Miller is going in a darker direction, sharing that he heard as Primula pushing Drogo and dragging her. This double -murder version is quickly overthrown by the Gaffer (which is fiercely loyal to Baggins), but leaves the incident shrouded in an unpleasant mystery.

To be clear, until here is in the books, written by Tolkien's own hand. However, the author does not give us closing the fate of Frodo's parents. They drowned, and it was not explained whether it was actually an accident or something that happened deliberately. This made some fans theorizing about other things that could happen. One of the most abundant is an exhaustive thread on the red It suggests that Golum, not Prila, was the killer. The idea is that in the search for "Shire, Baggins", Golum actually reached the edge of Hobbit's homeland, killed "Baggins" named Drogo, and then attracted to Mordor then, where Sauron caught him.

To be fair, this theory is intertwined with holes and there is a lot of counter -tot. However, from our research, it is not completely impossible. If only Tolkien tries to connect those points, imagine Frodo's implications for orphans at the age of 12 years of the guide, which later leads to cracks in the crash and bites his finger. As we learn much more about Golum's activities during this time Warner Bros.'s upcoming film in downtown SmagolThis fans' theory is unlikely to make the reduction.

Then who is Frodo connected with?

While Frodo's parents die young, they leave him in a very populated and supportive wider family. The relationship with Bilbo Baggins is obvious from the jump. However, Frodo's brand's side is also important.

The end of the "King's Return" includes family trees for Baggins, Brandibax and Tuts (Pippin family) - and Frodo appears at all three. He is a cousin of Mary through his mother's stock market. His mother's grandmother, one Mirabella, is also a member of the "Aristocracy", a fact that links Frodo to Pippin.

This makes Frodo the ancestors at the intersection of hobby society. Also, it's more than a family tree, a jumbo. Frodo's backstation is a key part of how his story appears. On the one hand, his direct relationship with Bilbo through Baggins makes him the perfect candidate to succeed a ring. On the other hand, his other family relationships in the hobby form the core of his friends (including some that did not even appear in the movie) that go with him on his journey. While Frodo's story is most closely linked to Samsier Gamgi-which is not directly related to him-Tolkin still managed to weave family relationships in the heart of Frodo's story, starting with his unhappy parents.

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