Theresa Caputo (Alias The Long Island Medium) Now his spiritual gifts are chaning on something that you can wear. Reality has been partner with Star Jewelry Designer Carlin Rafaelian - Founder of Metal Alchemist, and Livy and Alex and Ann - To create a new collection, have been named appropriately "Divine operated in a gentle“Which Caputo's signature combines faith and connection with Flair.
Monday, February 10, Caputo, 57, spoke before unveiling the line Our weekly Exclusively spiritually inspired pieces that features symbols, phrases and mantras that he hopes that "the lost they are always with us" will act as gentle reminder. "
Stigma-resistant, craftsmansmith made from hypolangenic metal, everything is retail under $ 100-a small price for meaningful accessories to connect with our loved ones.
Caputo said "they are like" Little 'from heaven' from heaven ' Ours Poly necklace, Posai bracelets and engraved bangles are a shiny assortment, which is found in all gold or silver. The medium was heavily involved in the design process as well as the Rafaelian and the Levi team.
Caputo said, "All the jewelry was made out of the conversation about my gift with me next to me with me, people connect what people connect and my desire is for the people," Caputo said, which insisted on deepest meaning and purpose that entered To bring "Divine to the Divine Conduct" in life.
Caputo is 4 years old when he realizes he can connect to the soul. "I know I was born to do this," he said, "but he couldn't even predict that his spiral skills would become a family, because the jewelry was just the latest addition to his biography.

About 15 years have passed when Caputo first got into fame TLC Series of reality Long Island MediumThe "I never thought in a million years that I would be where I would be," he said. From there, he went to turn on successful podcastHey Spirit! Including Theresa Caputo" New York Times The best -selling writerTook him Theresa Caputo Live! Experience Global and its latest TV series landed, RaisingSWhich has been premiere Lifetime In 2024.
"I literally think this is a dream," he acknowledged. “I put my gift in God's hand. And that's why I say ... when I am guided by divine. "
Actually, Caputo is famous for "Divine is well -managed" - Ask only the actress asking her many famous clients as she read with her Susan Sarandon And the singer Gloria Estefan And Meghan trainerNot to mention non-celibhat people "thousands" to be requested for readings per month, which Capto accepts through its hotline and one Form on his website.
When asked to choose his favorite piece from the collection he said: "I have to say that they are all my favorite," But he was quickly gushed: "But if you see the jewelry and you know me ... it's with Swarvsky ( One), ”he said, mentioned Pile The necklace that contains a bright vowel pendant. "Because it is Swarovsky crystal, and I Love Crystal. "

Even more seriously, although not less sparkle notes, Caputo mentioned that this particular crystal made it brighter is its triangular size and "You always need three points." In fact, Grounded One of the three "sacred" words engraved on the back of the vowel pendant with "energy" and "energy".
Caputo shared with it OursThe “The crystal is actually the light. So, we want that you (and) let the light bring the light
Caputo, who is known for his big hair, bold glam and more-egers, says he likes to mix, match, match and stack-which he can go to his own to access. "It adds a separate touch with what you are wearing and everything pulls together" "
That's why Butterfly pendant Where they shake around the northern stars. (Butterfly) symbolizes that a soul has been liberated, and the star will guide us through the process, give us balance and stability ... and hopefully, to find peace (us) guide (us). "
For those who need a little more guidance to see the light, consider one of the other pieces, which it spells in writing - such as a bangle that is engraved with a beloved statement of Caputo: "A spirit bonding never can never be broken"Message,"Love, respect and respect yourself"And the other, which reminds the wearer:"Leave the fear, embrace the faithThe "
As Caputo explained: "When you look down and touch the bracelet, it reminds you that your loved one is not here physically, that connection, that cosmic, that power is still with you, only in other way. I want that People can be open to their loved one and that's what I do to believe in. "
Other Tabizas are a wicked eye equipped, which the tradition believes to live out of the wicked soul, Caputo calls it aDefensive eye"He said that" is keeping an eye on you. "He added:" (it) is like your spiritual armor. The divine that is left, the souls, the souls and the universe - they have your back. It can be known to you, regardless of what you are doing. "
& Theresa Caputo for Livy is now available for shopping online by Divine Capto.
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