Water. Country. Fire. Air. For a long time, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the premiere "Avatar: the last Airbender" in 2005. Since then, the animation has not been the same. Nickelodeon's cartoon, as it was created by Michael Dante Dimartino and Brian Konicko, takes place in a world world -inspired by Asian culture and mythology. In the center of her story is Aang (Zac Tyler Eisen), the latest incarnation of the avatar and, as such, the only thing she lived is capable of using all four elements and stopping the wicked fire Lord Ozai (Mark Hamil, who thought the show was too smart to stay in the air) Before he can conquer the world.
It didn't take long for "Avatar: The Last Air Force" to stand out from other action animated shows in its time (like "Samurai Jackec" and "Unlimited Justice Justice") on the road becoming one of the best and unique American cartoons of all times. In addition to Titani Titani, Avatar helped popularize cartoons inspired by anime in the West and discussed fans about what even qualified as anime. The series also built on television trends from the previous decade by telling a strong series story featuring some of the best arches of the characters in modern fiction, along with deep themes that were formerly unusual in children's television (such as genocide, imperialism and indoctrination) , a huge world -class building and an oeube that includes millennia. In short, Avatar announced the arrival of a new era on the small screen and remains a high standard of what the media can do - especially on network television.
To mark the 20th anniversary of the premiere of "Avatar" (which is still one of TV shows with the highest evaluation of all time of IMDB), let's rank our three short but significant seasons.
3. Season 1
The first season of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" lasts a bit to find its rhythm, and does not reach the same heights that make her two seasons to follow, but there are clear signs of greatness. The first season is the most famous episode of the three, as it most relates to Aang to reject his fate and insist on going to silly adventures - like the penguin. It's not up to Episode "Avatar" Season 1 "Storm" That the show goes from being a fun series in monumental.
However, only in the third episode, Avatar quickly shows that it is a cartoon for children who is not afraid to leave dark and mature, revealing that the whole Aang's civilization has been deleted from the map at a frightening moment that rings today. There are also many fantastic episodes that still hold on like some of The best episodes of "Avatar" in generalIncluding the "Blue Spirit" (directed by "Starwells War" Guru Dave Philoni), "Kioshi Warriors" and "North Air Temple". These episodes are starting to show the huge worldwide building, while they are still quite independent in their stories. Season 1 also has one of the best side characters in the show: Frightening Haao, played by Jason Isax.
2. Season 3
A big reason why "Avatar: The Last Air Force" remains so beloved is that it came to a huge high level. The four -piece final of the show is the perfect culmination of her themes, the characters of the characters and the overall story, but it still Leaves several mysteries unsolved for other "avatar" projects for potential solving. Even before the final, season 3 simply increases Ante in every way. The comprehensive narrative runs nicely, and we get stunning two-piece installments that act as mini-films (such as the invasion incident or prison episode).
Season 3 is also full of mainstream moments, among them the introduction of bloodshed, the origin of firearms, and the view we offer life in front of Aang in the "Avatar and the fiery Lord". These are greatly expanding the world of the show and making it part of a life universe. And yet, despite the increased deposits and the feeling of urgency, the Avatar season 3 never loses the sense of humor. Indeed, this season there are some of the funniest side stories in the whole show, independent comic episodes that include a homage "Footloose", an episode of anime beach in which bad guys pour their hearts out and make chaos, and even the funny episode of Self-Parodia "Players on the Island of Ember".
On top of all this, season 3 has the absolutely coldest action, with Zuko (Dante Basco) and Azula (Gray Griffin) Agni Kai in the final Being one of the best action scenes in the history of animation (the one who made him better than composer Ereeremi Cukermann who delivers his best job). Indeed, several shows have a result like "Avatar: The Last Air", and does not improve than in season 3.
1. Season 2
Yes, Season 2 is the best season of "Avatar: the last air traffic". This is because it is the season with the best balance between episodic and serialized storytelling, developing characters and progression of conspiracy. Many modern shows forget the benefits of a good independent episode, but this is not the case with the Avatar season 2. Maybe there is no deposit as high as those for season 3, however, it manages to make more sense or urgency - Aang must find an earthquake teacher, the Apps abducted, there is a conspiracy in the BA Singh - and every episode flows smoothly in the next.
This is the season with the strongest focus on the political intrigue of the agricultural kingdom, including the injustices of its feudal system, its strong use of propaganda and the enormous inequality within the kingdom. It helps to spend the whole season exploring the kingdom of the earth, and all its stunning locations look very different - from swamp to the desert and the big city.
What makes this season is special is that each individual episode and moment shines instead of mixing together in larger stories. There are very few independent stories that either develop the comprehensive conspiracy of the season or offer a great character or orbus, such as the "Avatar Day" episode, which is a trial for murder, the "blind bandit" The world and "guru" are introducing children to the West with the concept of Chakras. Then there is "Zuko", the gold standard for standalone episodes and this show and probably modern animation. The episode confirmed that the story of Zuko's purchase would not be easy or fast, but still immensely satisfying. The season also gave us the IRO (which was still expressed by the late, the Great Maco in the season 2) the best moments of wisdom and introduced the best character in the show: Top Biffong (Essie Flor).
And, of course, season 2 of Avatar has the most emotionally fatal moments in the whole show. It has "The Tales of Ba Sing Se" (how many series can make fans shed tears by mentioning a song?) And the devastating story of the IRO, but also "Lost Days of Apa", an award -winning episode of animal cruelty. This is the best Avatar ever, and a testimony to the power of TV animation.
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