Shawn "DD" Combs A street musician is being sued for sexual abuse who claims that he has raped her orally and spiritually.
Musicians attorneys filed a case in the Supreme Court of the state on Monday, February 10, claimed that the disgraceful music Mogul used to use a bad boy records to Laur (John) Do, a musician used for a party with a party with a party with a party. The commitment of the Agreement, “The complaint reads the complaint in accordance with the complaint Our weeklyThe
"After some short talks, Combs Rapped DO and forcibly raped DO," Docs said more. "This case seeks compensation and disciplinary harm for that violent sexual abuse. The behavior described here is how the defendant Shan Comes has managed himself for many years. Many people and entities helped and conspired with this disgusting behavior. Shan Comes believed that he was in the above of the law. He is not. "
This filing was submitted by the Buzzy Law Agency, which represents multiple accused victims in the case against the DD. Former Record Executive, 55, is currently in jail for sexual trafficking and disguise at Brooklyn's Metropolitan Detention Center when he is awaiting his trial on May 7.
According to the complaint, John Does live in Chicago and "demanded justice for his claim by jury." Filing states that the "young musician" traveled to California in October 2022 to perform music in Los Angeles region. Next month, he was singing the guitar on the street outside a "popular nightclub" towards midnight and playing while he was wearing "Ga Dark and wearing sunglasses and a bad boy records. "
Then, the man told DOK that he was scout for DD, who was looking for an emerging talent, "Docs complained. "To the young Doey it seemed like a possible life -changing opportunity."
Scout complained that DD invited to a "A-Lalika birthday" that DD was hosting that night. Ninety minutes later, a black cadilac came to pick up the escalared doe and took him to a private home party. There, DD was confronted by DD, who complained, "So you must be gammy (the name of the doe stage). My assistant told me you have a beautiful voice. Sit down, drink a drink with me, and let's talk about business."
DD Does "a drink, and the two doe talk about the music, goals and aspirations," the complaint has been alleged. "COMBS has made DOE numerous promises to help secure a big recording deal."
When DO DD praised the necklace that was wearing at that time, "Combus asked if Dow wanted to see his more jewelry. Does agreedly agreed," Docs continued, describing the alleged encounter. “Combs was taken to a private room elsewhere in the house. At this point, Doe noticed that he felt strange-some excitement and some off-balance, beyond what he would expect by eating single drinks. It became clear to him that something was wrong. Later he realized that he was made intoxicated. "
The documents included a picture of "a real exemplary container" used by DD and its associates - GHB - an Invalid Party Drug - to sert in alcoholic beverages.
The complaint alleges, "The two entered a bedroom and the DOE immediately noticed that there was no jewelry anywhere." "Comes asked the plaintiff in words, 'Have you ever suck a dick before?' Shocked did not say no to whom the combs reacted, 'You should try to get your penis'.
Then, "Doe told Comes that he was not comfortable and he tried to leave, saying that the team of the Combs could contact him in the morning," claimed. "However, Combs refused to leave DOK and emphasized that the DOE would not get any agreement if they obeyed. Despite the denial of the DOE Combs's progress, the Combs applied to the dOE's career, applying increasing pressure. "
"Finally, Combs lost his patience," the musician attorns complained. "He grabbed Doe's face and forcibly put his penis in the mouth of the doe. Doe was trapped, and the drugs that COMBS gave him became even more disabled. After verbally raped, Combus attacked her before she was dressed and leaving her house. The DOE was originally unable to be on the edge of the bed.
The next morning, "An unknown person gave DO a fourth and told DOK that his journey was waiting outside," they continue. "Doe involuntarily returned to the nightclub and dropped down."
The musician has not seen or heard from Didi since the attack on the allegation, and "have done experienced with pain and pain, emotional agony and mental agony" claimed that the musician did not report this incident because of 'power and notorious, and because He was shocked and embarrassed by the DOE 'the same pattern and the abuse of the commbs. "
This month was between two more new cases, the rapper Accused Two women forced "group sex" and the club's promoter was instructed to rape one of them in the late '80 and 90s.
The legal representative on behalf of DD addressed Monday's claim in a statement Our weeklyReferring to, "Mr. Combs cannot respond to every new promotion stunt, even in response to claims that are ridiculous or displayingly false. Mr. Cambs and its legal party have full confidence in the authenticity of the judicial process. The truth will prevail in the court: Mr. Camps never sexually abused or smuggled anyone - male or female, adult or minor. "
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