Rebecca Ferguson was terrified of Dini's important scene

In 2021 and 2024, director Dennis Vilnev adapted Frank Herbert's "Duna" in 1965 Duna The big screen in a pair of expansive (and expensive) live films with action. "Duna", as many readers can tell you, is excessively complicated, which requires a special dictionary for terms.

The book has been set for tens of thousands of years in the future and surrounds war on the control of the planet Arakis, known to mysterious people living in the desert, called Fremen and the only known source of A valuable spice called melange. In the first novel "Duna", the key sides fighting for control over Arakis are the gentle Athedes house and the wicked house Harconen. The two sides are differently manipulated by the emperor of the galaxy, Hamam IV, as well as the insidious mental witches known as Bene Gesite.

Dune was previously adapted to the David Lynch's big screen in 1984, and was turned into a pair of TV ministers in 2000 and in 2003. Vilnev's version, however, were gigantic hits at the box office, and even earned a lot of attention from Oscars; The first "Duna" was nominated for 10 awards at the Academy and won six.

Rebecca Ferguson played Lady Essesica in Vilnev's "Duna" films, former Bene Geserite and the current co-chief of House Atrids. During the two films "Dune", she will use her witch to manipulate frem, leading them to see her son Paul (Timote, Shalam) as their Messiah. Vilnev's film is for socio -political influence in the real world on the distribution of resources and ways in which religion is often used for unwanted political purposes.

There was one scene in the first "Duna" when Lady Essica was kidnapped, entered the board of a futuristic flying machine called the ornithopter. Essesica was foxes and stuffed in a small load, unable to move. Ferguson seems to be afraid of shooting that scene because, as she revealed article of 2021 with EWIt is legitimate claustrophobic.

Rebecca Ferguson is a claustrophobic

Halfway through the first "Duna", House Atrid is ousted by his comfortable position as Arakis rulers with an attack on House Harconen, and many family members have been killed. Essesica is in the middle of being abducted (along with sex) when thrown into the ornithopter mentioned above. Ferguson knows he is claustrophobic and can only play scenes in tight, narrow spaces if he knows there is a way for an opening or escape to which he can access.

For "Duna", however, Ferguson knew that because of the nature of the stage, there would be no way to end the stage alone. This meant that she would have to face her fears. However, in at least one download, Ferguson admitted that Panichi and the ornithtopter set just to get a breath. She described the experience like this:

"I can't lock me. I took my leg and just knocked the door.

Despite the time of panic, it sounds like Ferguson can finish the scene without further moments of fear. .

It remains to be seen whether "Duna: Part Two" will be nominated for any awards at the Academy. However, it was one of the biggest hits in 2024, made over $ 714 million worldwide. That's how it wins in any way.

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