When it comes to weaker films, the killer's iconography is often more important than the story. As long as fans are given a chance to see Michael Meyers appearing in his The white -colored captain Kirk is the best To kill anyone who enters their way, no one cares to try to make sense of The nonsense and convoluted timetable of the Halloween franchise. Even people who have never watched a horror movie in their lives could probably identify Asoneyson Vorihes from "Friday the 13th" in his iconic hockey mask, or the Texas Sawsman's Leterface clock. Weapon title. The appearance of a fierce villain should cause fear in the hearts of the audience ... but it should also be memorable enough to sell.
It is a delicate balance and is not the easiest thing in the world to pull. Jason's basic look of Jason's "Friday 13th Part II" is just memorable Because it's AsoneysonBecause when the design first appeared five years earlier in the "City that was afraid of sunset", he did not hit the audience. (Also, it didn't guess when the film got a metaphor -sequel in 2014, because Slasher was just ... man in a sack mask). Even the "bad" mask of origin can still be unforgettable (I still love you, a fencing mask in "Urban Legend: Final Cross), but if you want your killer to pack, you must contact the experts.
One of the best in business is Tony Gardner, whose design for the new film about the day of the day of the "heart eyes" (Read our review here) already greeted as one of the best designs for a villain for years. This should not be surprising, since Gardner has one of the most impressive pedigree of the genre of anyone working today in the makeup field and special effects.
Tony Gardner started his start to the biggest music video, sometimes
Before moving forward, it should be noted that Tony Gardner has wild Story of Origin. As you talked about it Podcast on meat and blood and bones He is co-host with his daughter, director Kira Gardner (With whom we interviewed her for her documentary "Living with Shakki"), the way Tony Gardner has entered the industry there is no more. He grew up around Cleveland, Ohio and became fascinated with special effects and creatures. He made his free time "FaceHuggers" and ET Mask, as just a few examples, before moving to Los Angeles to go to college. Once in Los Angeles, he decided to use his position as a student to bring him closer to his heroes as Steven Spielberg and the effects of artists Carlo Rambaldi and Rick Baker. He found himself in the universal part by pulling out a page from Spielberg's book with dressing, appearing and behaving important, but the way he got to know Rick Baker would make someone put on the list of watches if he was replicated today.
The college college student knew where Baker's store was, so Gardner drove in the city and looked at all the people named "Rick Baker" in the phone book, wanting to interview him for a school project (it doesn't actually exist). In the end he found himself on the threshold of Baker, but he was out of town filming, so Gardner spoke to Baker's father and left his amateur effects. In the end, Rick Baker contacted Gardner and agreed to be an interview. They spoke for hours and the interview became conversational, but nothing came from it. However, later that summer, after 18-year-old Gardner returned home to Ohio between semesters, Baker found Gardner down and called on his family home to offer him a music video set that requires a bunch of zombies. In this way, Gardner would know if this was the industry designed for him. He was eagerly agreed and the next day he was on the plane to return to Los Angeles.
That music video was Michael Aksexon's "thriller", probably the biggest music video of all time.
Tony Gardner is a legend of live special effects
Listening to Tony Gardner discussing his career with his daughter Kira on their podcast is surreal at times because there is a modest coincidence of projects falling on the name as "Returning Living Dead", "Army of Darkness", "Hocus Poor", "" Hell Fest, "Fraki", "Adams Family", "Fraid", "Blood", "Zombiland" films and the franchise "Jaki". Gardner is so valuable for the latter that even playing a fictional version of himself in the fax film within the movie "Shaky Goes Psycho" in "Seed of Chaki", and has been killed on the screen of the puppet itself that works more than one a decade. These titles are enough to put it in God's status, but Gardner's work is not exclusive to the world of horror.
He also worked on films such as "Honey I Reduce Children", "Ace Ventura: When Nature", "Happy Gilmore" and "Batman and Robin", "Not to mention the bodily transformations shown in" shallow Hull ", "Hairspray," Akecas "and" Astversky "films. He is also fruitful in the ad world, creating designs for the Geiko caves (and subsequent TV -Show, I'm sure you have forgotten that they existed) and a pleasant strange commercial for Halloween Featuring a rubber woman in a grocery store.
But the one who always knocks me back is to know that he helped create helmets for signatures for DAF Punk, as well as the absolutely cursed (complimentary), leather -free robot for their "technological" music video (which is an animator "seed of Chaki "processed to give me, specifically even more nightmares). His company Alterian Inc. It has been solidified as the industry leader in the effects of prosthetic makeup, animatonic design and specialized props, not to mention his growing list of sweeter masks.
The mask of the heart of the eyes is a horror perfection
When it came time to create a heart mask, Gardner and Brian Christensen took the ideas of the film's creative team and brought everyone to life. Visible stitches and outer stripes choose and mask inspired by BDSM And That of the "collector", with a choice of fabric that feels reminiscent of Deker's Decker in "Nightbreed", tightened flesh on Leatherface, and yes, even Sakhead Asoneyson. It is an incredibly classic approach to the mask, but is injected with the contemporary iconography of the heart's heart emotions, light light to evoke the wicked threat of red lighting or the accent of attention as an Avori wolf, admiring remotely. The eyes are also inclined, providing the killer the advantage of the night vision, a more serious takeover of Buffalo earlier in the "silence of the lambs".
The mouth is, of course, embossed in a smile on Glasgow, a grotesque twist of the universally accepted presentation of happiness. Combined together, the heart eye mask is really memorable. During a time Recently but on RedditDirector "Hearts Eyes" Josh Ruben spoke about the effort of collaboration that entered the design of the mask, between Gardner, Christensen and the team in Alterjan, turning ideas into a tangible reality, to the VFX team in New Zealand, led by Steph Knight, who applied shine The Vaseline-ESK to the mask, so that even in the dark, "the slightest light has collected and refracted with eerie, like sweat."
When we look at the "heart eyes" mask, not only do we see a cold -born villain, we see the culmination of over 40 years of expertise and horror history, brought into a design through creative collaboration, led by an industry.
"Heart Eyes" is now being played in theaters everywhere.
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