What is the best way to recover from a hangover?

In general, even if you are not a big drinker, in special cases Mandra is being modified. From the Openbar office party to be with friends Holiday dinner When you get loose with your family, you often get enough opportunities to drink alcohol.

Congratulations and enjoying yourself is fun, but the next day you wake up with headaches and general. How to approach-white-white The discomfort is less fun.

But after drinking too much, dealing with hangovers can be avoided. You can avoid it by approaching the joy of the right plan. So consider the nuggets of this wisdom before you raise the next glass.

What is the cause of a hangover?

The woman is sleeping on the couch with a blanket over your head | Hangover recovery

Short answers are, of course, “alcohol”. But the back mechanism why Alcohol makes us so terrible The next day is not actually known.

MPH, RD's Andrea N. Giancoli said, “We do not fully understand what's going on. “But we know that there is an alcohol Toxicity in the body And toxic to the institution. ”

dehydration It also plays a big role in causing headaches that come with a hangover. Alcohol is diuretics -It means you can use a lot of urine. So you are Alcoholic Or vodka club soda.

And Giancoli can negatively affect the alcohol (generally decline), stimulating the gastric lining (nausea and vomiting), lowering blood sugar (bringing dizziness), stimulating hematology sugar. there is.

How can I avoid hangovers?

Various cocktails | Hangover recovery

The only definite way to prevent hangovers is to completely avoid alcohol. But to treat yourself with a few drinks, there are several things you can do to limit your hangover symptoms.

1. Take it easily

If it is not an option to avoid alcohol completely, the first step is to practice some restraint. “Drinking should be limited to about two alcoholic beverages. Unki DuranRD, CSSD, Author and Registered Nutrition. Each time you have one of the appetizers, drink a drink every time you have dinner.

See the serving size. For example, a single serving of a solid alcohol is just 1.5 ounces. If you fill the 9 ounce whiskey glass halfway, you will effectively do three shots.

2. Cut the drink with water

Dulan suggests adding sparkling water to the drink. If it helps to prevent dehydration, the likelihood of excessive indulgence is reduced. For example, cut the Prosecco 50-50 with a sparkling water Mix the Seltzer and the hard liquor And tempura of juice or citrus fragments.

3. Avoid the player

Giancoli says, "Another way to potentially reduce hangover symptoms," says "a player drinks free or low alcohol."

player It is a fermented by -product that is considered toxic. In dark alcoholic beverages such as Bourbon, Brandy, and whiskey, clear alcohols such as gins, vodka and rum are low. In addition, mixing alcohol can be a recipe for terrible hangovers. Beans of other types of alcohol can be added, increasing the toxic tolls of the body.

Can I stop hangover after drinking too much?

A friend who supports beer | Hangover recovery

Don't panic if you feel that you are getting a tip as the night rolls. Do not drink alcohol, but change to ordinary water or club soda or at least one -on -one with water. Giancoli said, “Drinking a glass of water between all alcoholic drinks can reduce the amount of drinking and continue to moisturize.

Food can help you hit a refresh table by adding a barrier that helps alcohol to slow down the speed absorbed by your blood flow.

Giancoli said, “The most important thing is not drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. This is because the alcohol is absorbed immediately when the alcohol hits the lining. "If you drink on an empty stomach, you will feel the effect of alcohol faster."

Healthy grubs can be more helpful than garbage. “There is a study that shows the same thing Asparagus and Mango Giancoli says. Don't expect these foods to work with a hangover miracle, in general, Healthy snack Fruits, vegetables, or Whole grain I have it Antioxidant It is good for your body.

If you know that you congratulate you hard, plan in advance. Dulan likes to pack High protein snacks -Pean peanut butter & Holney sandwich or back Protein ball It is made of oats, honey, peanut butter, protein powder and almond. "These options feel better and provide good energy," she says.

How can I recover from a hangover?

Women recover from a hangover on the sofa | Hangover recovery

Okay, so you congratulated you so hard and didn't realize it until it was too late. What?

Once you come home and go to bed, drink a large glass (or 2-3) water. Dulan is not a foolish hangover treatment, but he says, "It will help you feel better than that."

And do not bother to chase your rich amount of water with painkillers before you go out. Giancoli said, “Some people take ibuprofen or aspirin before going to bed in a way of treating a hangover. "But it won't last long." When you woke up, it would have already worn out.

In the morning, Giancoli should stay in bed as long as possible. “Sleep again. The time is the best therapist. ”She says.

Finally, when you carry a foggy body from bed, Giancoli Research suggests that it can be helpful.. "They are trying and not true and have not been proven," she said. "But they will definitely help your body in a healthy and different way."

Mix them with a smoothie, then back up your blood sugar if you have a significant breakfast like an egg with toast.

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