Missing plane leads 10 passengers

The authorities seek Alaska, including 10 passengers transporting air caravan flight, including a nine passengers and a pilot.

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More details about 10 passengers transporting Berin Air Caravan flights

According to FolkAlaska Alaska, Alaska, Alaska, Alaska, Feb 6, February 6, February 4: 13: 37 started the plane

Also, around 10:12, the fire volunteer firefighters took Ocuook. The department shared that he responded to the missing labor reports.

"We are currently doing an active search for Nome and White Mountain and is the most up-to-date information about the event. We have limited air search for weather and visibility. "They shared in part. "... We ask the public to those missing at this time, but because of the weather and safety concerns, do not form individual search festivals ..."

More details about Alaska search

February 7, Department Back to Facebook. He also shared departments that had reached a search plane to the NOME area. There, the search plan plan "on water and flying on the coast was flying to the plane to locate the plane."

"The plane specializes in equipment, allows for searching and rescuing, allowing objects and people to locate the conditions of visibility," the message has been added.

For each outlet, Air Caravan flight "It was a 12-kilometer away sea ... when his position was lost."

Also, until 10:00, January 7, Friday, the firefighters of the Nome has shared that there is no updated information on missing crafts.

"The crews are still looking at the ground to change as many areas as possible. The C-130 National Guard had found nothing so far. C-130 resubscribed the C-130 again and has not reported visually and the flight search time remains, "update is added.

Berin Air Caravan flight news that transport 10 passengers continues on the plane

The missing Berin Air Caravan Flight news follows numerous titles on the plane. So Shadow room He previously reported that last week, a military helicopter collided with an American airline airline with 64 passengers. Then a few days later, Learjet landed on the streets of Philadelphia. In the incident, six passengers were killed by the plane. Also, several people on the ground were injured, per Shadow room.

Also, before this week, two planes collided in Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

Related: What is Goin '? Both shots collide in Tarmac to the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (videos)

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