Mom Pop Dima says “that's unfair” after the Corey Walker application

Pop smokeThe murder suspect, Corey Walker, accepted the guilt of the contract from prosecutors, bringing almost five years of criminal prosecution, but the Mom of the late rapper remains heart.

The agreement on plea see that Walker serves 29 years in prison, with his hearing for sentencing in February 21. February 2025. Years.

Pop smoke, the real name Bashar Barakah Jackson died in 19. February 2020. year, after people with hats broke into the apartment in which he remained fired after transition.

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Probation agreement for the murder of pop smoke

Pop smoke
Instagram | Pop smoke

On Wednesday Corey Walker, 24, the only adult accused of killing pop smoke, reached the prosecutors.

Walker is charged with the leading three minors in the rented Airbnb apartment, the rapper was shot in the morning.

Walker pleaded guilty of voluntary Penska and robbery for the invasion of home with the improvements of the gun and gang and will be convicted of 21. February. It is expected to serve a 29-year-old prison after its request.

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Details about Corey Walker's guilt agreement

Pop smoke
Instagram | Pop smoke

Toward Rolling stoneThe prosecutors left the murder in the guilt on Wednesday, added a new voluntary filling of the murder on Wednesday. The newly added price lists aggravating factors, including moving and extreme cruelty.

Walker also pleaded guilty of a related robe woman present in the apartment.

Prosecutors stated that murder and robbery condemns each come with an additional two-year-old penalty, which will pass by a 29-year term.

The persuades of the plea prevented the trial of the jury to start this week in the center of Los Angeles.

Prosecutors also said that Walker and his crew targeted pop smoke, 20, after flaunting money, a thick gold chain and a diamond hour on social media the day before.

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The group followed a home rental after the deceased Brooklyn Raper accidentally published a photo that shows the address on the gift bagel label.

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The mother of pop smoke talks about closing a case

Nancy Dillon, an older journalist in Rolling stone, Shared the post on xDiscovering her conversation with a pop smoke mom, Audrey Jackson.

Although Audrey was grateful for the resolution of cases of murder, she still expressed the sadness that her son was no longer.

Audrey said, "It's over for everything but me. This never ends for me. And it's unfair."

She added: "Thank you to have justice to the greatest extent law. But my life doesn't change. I still don't have my son. I will continue to work on his legacy, but it is also a reminder not here."

Audrey does not plan to attend a hearer for the Walker penalty because she organizes the tala that night to celebrate the Life of Pop Dim.

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She shared: "I didn't keep anymozythet. I just passed through this. There is not only anything to say (on Walker's punishment). Everyone is ruin."

Status of others involved in the death of pop smoke

Pop smoke
Instagram | Pop smoke

Before he reached an agreement, Walker, who was 19 when a crime was committed, was initially charged with murder, robbery and burglary and faced the life-not-convictions.

After the arrest in July 2020. The prosecutors said he could face death, but later they prevented policies.

Three minors, including 15-year-old scorer, were charged, which Received in the killing of pop smoke during the domestic invasion. He received 50 years in his life, but he can only take place until 25. years in California law.

Meanwhile, two minors, aged 16. and 17 years in the time of crime, they admitted to lower charges and placed in detention facilities for minors, according to reports.

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Reactions on Corey Walker's Fle

He had a lot of pounded songs on his name, including the popular "Dior", so his death broke a lot of heart, with these feelings worse after being discovered that teenagers behind his murder.

Several fans reacted to Walkers' guilt and expected penalty under CoolroomPost about it on Instagram.

One fan wrote, "he seized one of the best upcoming rapes ... Pop smoke was definitely on the way to the top."

Another fan added, "I hope 29 years old is pathetic for him."

The third person divided, "it should be 92 years, but he has got on my business. Rip pop smoke."

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