There is something when the Rig number comes in the case of the singer-songwriter Mason Ramsey And Harper Grace - including the official publication date for their dual, "Lonely"Which Our weekly Can be exclusively.
23 -year -old Herper Grace says "I'm a large number girl" OursThe "I got a little number tattoo in my arm, which is the number of finishing and achievement" "
In addition to the fact that "Live Lonely" is declining on February February, both he and Ramsi did viral video moments at the age of 5 when they were 18 - seven years later before following the music at the age of 18 - before they followed music.
Harper Grace said, "It's something that we have been able to connect to each other and connect more, which is really great," says Harper Grace Ours Of their parallel tractors. "I didn't put the two of them together until we did our shows where Dallas was like me, 'Oh, my gosh, mattress."
Harper Grace was surprised by the fans when he first served the song together at the Dallas stop in Ramsi's visit to Harper Grace for his debut "Live Lonely".
That's where Herper Grace did math. Ramsey went viral at the age of 11 in 2018 for Yodeling in Walmart's Isles, at the same age he had his own internet moment when he took the Internet into a video of "The Star-Spong Banner". (It was marked as "the worst national anthem" by ABC News.)
At the age of 18, Ramsey went to release his first album, I'll see you in my dreamsWhen Harper Grace is in the top 50 Idol At that age in 2018.
Although Ramsey is now watching his yodling video as a completely different "era".

"I see it as two different eras," he said OursThe "Your meme was the world and then of course I went viral for a song and everything. So I see it as a timeline and then I start at 2023 when I did my EP. It was like, 'Hey, I'm Mason Ramsey and I'm going to this towards this.'
He continued: "So I think it's just two different characters, but two different timelines are how I left it."
Ramsey and Herper Grace were first connected to London, but when they met the second time at the CMA Fest in 2021, they decided that they wanted to try to write together. A month and a half later, "Live Lonely" was born.
“I (was) recently broken the relationship with my last girlfriend. We dated for about five months, and at this point it was just a lot, "Ramsey said about his inspiration for the song." I used this as an opportunity to write about my experience and my feelings with this girl. "
And then: enter the Herper Grace.
Ramsey added, "He wrote his own small piece and surprised me and just threw it there." "(It) was beautiful. I think it has just been added to the song and it just felt more like the situation I was going through again. "
"Live Lonely" is on Friday, February 7, everywhere.
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