The hit series "Netflix" Squid Game can be quite controversial because it has used capitalism, while also making millions for streaming service, and one of the more controversial aspects of season 2 was a new character: Tanos, played by actor Joey Seung- Seung- Hyun. First, there was the reaction of Joey's casting because the actor (also known for his name on the rap stage, "Top") was once part of the K-Pop Bigbang band, but left in 2023 after the public learned about his past marijuana charges. For use and possession of 2017. K-Pop quars that have been convicted of drug charges, even marijuana charges, often have a difficult time to ever return the Ardwar, and there were some very upset "squid playing" fans of South Korea.
Thanos' casting is a bit artistically reflecting life because the character is a shameful rapper who has lost status because of drug abuse and has been involved in bad cryptocurrencies, so Joey can really refer to someone trying to come back and get back And to go back the good grace of society, even if he did not have to go to the same extremes as Thanos. A fictional rapper is not particularly bright and extremely impressed by himself, leading to some fans Embracing him as one of the best new characters of the second season, while others gave him a big taNo. Whether you love or hate him, Thanos has a unique sense of style that pays tribute to his comic names, making him the most colorful character to compete for his life at least.
Thanos gets his purple hair and nail color of candy from his names to Marvel
In an interview with TudumJoey explained that he and the director of the show, Hwang Dong-Hyuk (along with the show's hair and makeup team), went back and forth of what Tanos would look like, noting that it was important for him to really point out. They liked the idea of purple hair because Thanos is "someone so simple, so intuitive" that it will certainly imitate the violet tone of Thanos' skin in his hair color. And what about his colorful nails? They were Another Kim of Marvel's characterAs Joey explained:
"As for nail colors, they are the colors of Thanos (the image of the comic book) Infinity Stones. I asked the director who thinks about it. And he loved it, saying he really loved both the skitels - and the nails look and how Skitley. "
Although it is unlikely that Tanos will soon taste the rainbow, given his untimely collapse before the 2nd season ends, he is extremely memorable and made his mark on "squid play" for a short time. He clearly does not understand much about the evil character from which he took his rap -and probably just thought he looked cool, but he sincerely just makes him even more beautiful. Whether you love Tanos or you want to hate him, his unusual style has helped him make one of the most memorable characters on the show.
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