Ruki's Mecia Cox Harper's future and Oscar is coming back

Ruki Macia Cox teases the Oscar Hutchinson Return
Disney/Mike Tang; Disney/Raymond Liu

Naila Harper has been kept with the ringer Rookie This season - and the actress You have a Cox There are more obstacles ahead.

Warning: Season Tu, Delivering Bottom for the 5th episode of Ruki.

"It's been a long time (since) he's this fragile," Cox, 43, who played Harper since the first season of the ABC series, said exclusively Our weekly Harper was stabbed with a needle by an attacker during the 4th season of the 7th episode.

Cox explained that Harpa had never been "this horrible" after a case, which caused him to invest more in the results.

During the period of Episode 4, which was aired on January 28, Harper was surprised to By a criminal who injected him with something that causes temporary paralysis. When the aired episode 5 on Tuesday, February 8, Herper learned that he actually attacked a serial killer who had earlier infected his victims.

“He is moving immediately. He's going to go. He will find this person (and) he is about to find it, "Cox spoke of Herper's mentality in the last episode, mentioning that he had a disease for a while he had a disease, but after giving FBI verdict he was clear that he was clear Go back to work.

At the end of the episode, Harpar realized that his attacker, alias a Wanted serial killer, he was a man named Liam Glasser (Seth Gabel), Who used a Roundown building in mental health services to torture and kill his victims. Harper, however, did not prove that it was not proven, so he decided to threaten Glasser and tell him that he would see every step of his.

Ruki Macia Cox teases the Oscar Hutchinson Return
Disney/Raymond Liu

Cox said Ours The strategy was "to fear" and "give him the same feeling of the culprit."

The actress mentioned, "To prove that he can prove that he can actually collect all the evidence, he does not want to happen to anyone else there. He knows what it looks like. She had a taste, and she didn't want it for anyone else. He is in a place that he is doing his best to make sure he is in a place where he is not doing it again. "

Cox has teased that "this is not the end" fans will see the glasser, it reveals that focusing on other cases while being free for Harper is "really difficult".

"When he focuses on something, he focuses on the laser," he added that the glasser "will always be behind his mind until he is caught."

This pressure will also be leaked in the personal life of Harper, which is rocky throughout the season She and husband James (Arjay Smith) Do not keep an eye on how the police will manage corruption.

“As trauma does, it is in a kind of seep Other relationshipCox shared. “Her hyper focus on these kinds of things sometimes make the other around it" "

Glasser, of course, is not the only villain that the LAPD will face the rest of the season. While Bailly saltOf (Know) Ex -husband, Jason (Steve), Was killed in Tuesday's episode and he was killed, he escaped from prison, Oscar Hutchinson (Mathew Heads), Still have loose.

Ruki Macia Cox teases the Oscar Hutchinson Return
Disney/Raymond Liu

“It's fun,” said Cox Ours The Oscar's return at the end of this season confirms that he is still in Lam. "I feel on the Oscar screen anytime, it's a lot of fun" "

Oscar is a guilty of a career who lives occasionally LAPD has helped Solve the offenses when it is appropriate to him. However Cox reminded Ours That he is a "bad man" that must turn off.

Cox's teased and said, "This is the first time you will see him in a position where I think it's been a while." “It's been some time where he helped us somehow. We've gone in and he is there to guide us. He is not this position right now. "

Rookie ABC was aired on Tuesday 10:30 pm.

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