Travis kellas Desired Jason Kels To join him on the field at Super Bowl Lix.
"Of course I hope Jason lived there. There is a special in the mountains with your brother that I will never forget. Obviously, as he was very close to his retirement, I hope he played one more year, "35 -year -old Kels told reporters At a press conference Monday, February 3. She will become a little more than her family and her baby girls. "
Travis added: "I'll go out there and try to present the family as much as possible" "
Travis and Kansas City Chiefs Philadelphia AG Gols - Jason's former team - will star in New Orleans Caesars Superdoom on Sunday, February 9. The chiefs defeat the AG Gols, 38 to 35. Jason retired from NFL last year.
Until last week, big Kels brother Were uncertain About a team to wear in the big game.
Travis Jason told Jason Wednesday, January 28, told Jason in their episode of their episode "We need to get you a mum jacket (or) a jersey" “New sheight” podcastRefer to their mother Donna KelsIts divided AG Gol/Chiefs of Chiefs. "We've got a cut-sew action here where we can cheer you to both groups outside (and) years out of the year."
While Jason praised this concept, he was in principle clash with it.
"I can't wear red," he said. "I can't wear it. I can't bring myself. "
Instead, Jason was considering the signature color option.
He said in the podcast, "I will wear my 'new height' big Yeti shirt," he added that he would do yellow than the red version of the shirt. Travis, for his part, supported his siblings' certificate of choice.
Jason confirmed that he would become the mainstream Ag galls And The chiefs arrive on Sunday.
"Of course, you are my brother. I'll always root for my brother. That's the reality. Okay, "He added further," If I were to lie I would say if I would not want to win the AG Guls. Do you know what I mean? I want them, but I want to win Travis Kels as well. So, this is a long-way way to say that I just want to watch a good football game, and anyone who wins, I'm going to be happy for that guy. "
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