Where was my old butt at Ocre Plaza recorded? Each main location explains

One of the strange things to grow is that no matter where we do, some experiences are almost universal. The nervousness of leaving home for the first time, the butterflies of early romances and family friction work almost every experience with teenagers, but as they experience them can be wildly different. One major factor in the way we experience growing is where we grow, and therefore some of the best films that come at age focus on their locations. From Greta Gervig Portrait of Sacramento in her movie "Lady Bird" for 2017 The musical download of Johnon Carney in the 1980s Ireland Film for 2016 "Sang Street", The location can play a big role in the great stories that come at age.

Writer and director Megan Park's dear 2024, "My Old Butt" is not only a great story about loveube, loss and growth, but also an absolutely beautiful view of some of the more stage parts of Ontario, Canada, Canada. A young woman named Eliot (Macy Stella) follows as she prepares to leave cranberry farms with her parents and the small city where she grew up for college in the big city of Toronto. One night during a mushroom trip with her friends, Eliot meets her 39-year-old I (Aubrey Plaza), leading her to question her future in great ways, and it is all set against some truly stunning backgrounds.

My old butt is a love supplied letter to Canada

The first movie of the park, "The Fallout" was a deeply serious story coming to age About the effects of school shooting on a teenager, and "my old butt" feels like her way of trying to balance that darkness with little light (though "my old butt" is not without his difficult times). In an interview with Hollywood reporter (TR), Park said he wanted to make "my old butt" as "Loveback letter to Canada", but without making it too Canadian. She explained:

"I wanted to make a movie showing a nice place I thought it was so special and not disguised as another place in the world. Also, I don't think of any shadow, but Canadian movies can feel so clearly Canadian or so specific to Canada that other people cannot apply to them. The same? So, it was definitely intentional, and it was fun not to hide "complaints" and "for" and those other small Canadian touches. "

"My Old Butt" feels authentic Canadian because of not only the experiences of the park, =, but also because Stella has grown up in Canada, making Eliot feel more realistic. However, the biggest Canadian touches are the locations of the film, showing some of the most beautiful views in the entire Ontario.

Muscoka Lakes was where Park went to a summer camp

Park has decided to set up much of the movie in "Muscoka Lakes", where it has spent the summer growing. Eliott enjoys spending his free time driving his ricky small motor boat around the lake, and that's something Stella used to get the part. She said Thr That she sent a video of herself as a boat tour of the production team when she auditioned, because "I have a little unfortunate ship, as well as Eliot." It probably helped seal the deal, and it ended with the part of the young lesbian, who finds himself breaking a boy - A boy who told her older me to avoid.

That sailing experience appeared additionally temporarily while filming because it was sometimes easier for the cast to be placed by jet-skiing through the lakes than it had to try and drive around in a car or truck. Park told Trurr that sometimes they would just use jet -ski instead, which had to be a ton of fun for young casts and really help adding to the "last days of summer" atmosphere.

Eliot lives in a beautiful house on Lake Joseph

Eliot's domestic life is quite idyllic, and her family lives in a beautiful home Sterling Point of Lake Joseph in Ontario, near the Muscoka Lakes. The house, which has a stunning view of the lake and a beautiful inner yard area, is actually available to rent the public starting $ 11,000 Canadian a week in the summer, which means big fans of "my old ass" with some serious extra money You could go enjoy it yourself. Just be careful with any mushroom tea or an oRRI plaza can appear and scare you with the knowledge of future trauma.

The house feels really lived, something that is difficult to do with even the best team to produce the sound scene, and its vibrant views help ensure the context of why Eliot hesitates to leave home for the big city, even if the independence that She carries it is calling for her. Growing is difficultBut at least she does it somewhere nice.

The cranberry farm of her family is in Bala, Canada

As Eliot approaches the departure for Toronto, the time she spends helping in the cranberry farm of her family, it seems to be still frustrating, even if her older I Tells tells to nurture those times. Instead, Eliot Rovis works on the farm to spend time with the forbidden boy, who also met because he was hired as a seasonal worker. We have to see Eliot driving a tractor, walking around cranberry, and even have a pretty difficult conversation with her father while deep in the water, which really sells her rural upbringing. She is a girl from a farm and girl from the lake, so the move to Toronto will be a mass change in pace.

The scenes of the family farm were filmed in the cranberry of Johnonton, cranberry, owned by the Johnonton family several generations, similar to the fictional family in the center of "My Old Butt". The farm has 27 hectares of cranberry march and is the oldest cranberry farm in Ontario, near the town of Bala, which is the capital of cranberry in Ontario. Basically, if you are in Canada and you are interested in cranberry (and cranberry wine!), Then Johnontone is where you should go.

The city of Port Carling gave Eliot a slight taste to city living

While most of the "my old butt" takes place on the lakes or in more rural areas, there are several times when Eliot enters the city and we will see what her idea of ā€‹ā€‹civilization looks like. The unacceptable Port Carling community, in the Muscoka Lakes neighborhood, served as a city where Eliot, her family and friends went when they needed the most important things or have a city night. Port Carling is a picturesque tourist spot that in no way resembles Toronto's hustle, so Eliot is really in great change. When he meets his friend Ro (Keriche Brooks) for a hearty conversation at a local restaurant, they sit on the lake overlooking the whole sight of the trees, a kind of thing Eliot will last long when he is in homes in Big City, far from Any nature that is not fenced and maniced.

"My old butt" is a shocking and funny download of aging and learning some of the most difficult lessons in life, with some of the most beautiful backgrounds in recent cinema memory. Seriously - how many other comedies do this look good?

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