"Black Panther: Waiter Forever" in 2022 " He seemed to bring the story of T'kala, as Chadwick Bosman plays, in definitely close, sending the original Chinese black panther with a nice farewell to Bosman's untimely death in August 2020. However, while death is final in the real world, it is just a temporary state of being in genre fiction. This is especially true in Marvel's Chinese universe, as the numerous resurrection in "Avengers: Endgame" alone has shown. That's without mentioning the aspect of retelling - when Terrence Howard left the "Ironoela Man" series after the first film, it seemed that the character of the Jameseims Rhodes could be in danger, but Don Smel stepped and the character lived. It is in a similar spirit that Harrison Ford helps the story of Tadeus Ross to continue in "Captain America: Brave New World", " Taking the role of the late William Hurt, who passed in 2022.
Because of this posthumous passage of the torch of characters, there Whether some rumors are circulating online that the upcoming third film "Black Panther" can make a similar move and reveal T'kala to be still alive and played by a new actor. From now on, those rumors are exactly that, as Comic -book confirmed by talking directly to Nate MooreFormer CEO of Marvel Studio, who left the company but will remain on the ship as a producer of Black Panther 3. While Moore's statement on the subject was quite direct, it leaves little room to change or develop things from now. And when "Black Panther 3" is done. I hope this is just a generic ambiguity, because the processed T'kala is a very different job than the re -version of Roddi or Ross.
Why to rewrite T'Kala none - or shouldn't - to happen
In his statement to ComicBook, Moore seemed to be choking rumors of T'kala's processing, but also essentially moved the goals for any concrete, definitive answers to the "Black Panther 3" on a nebulous later date:
"The truth is, there is no truth to those rumors. Never tell anything, we still have not had much creative conversations with Ryan Kogller, as he finishes his film "Sinners", which is coming out this year. We this year. We this year. We this year. We this year. "Le has entered it later this year, but everything you read on the Internet is not true if we have not started (working on it) for no reason."
To decode Moore's response: Rumors are not true just about the fact that nothing has been resolved for the film from now on. Notice how he added "Never Say Never", which is almost a prerequisite when talking about a movie in the stage, so early, it has not yet shaped. This can also be seen how to leave a little Wiggle room for "Black Panther 3" to have a rating t'challa, while at the same time scattering rumors that something has been resolved at this time in time.
Although, in theory, the processed T'kala would not be more or less disregard for Bosman's memory than the average retelling, this particular example feels like an opportunity to do so. As I said earlier, the whole "Wakanda forever" is Essentially, eugo in length of the characteristics of the actor and the characterWhich means that both have become all, but unbreakable at this point. Fortunately, it feels like Kogller never went on this route because of all this, so as long as the door to a possible retelling is not sealed, we probably don't have to worry.
There is more than enough material for the next film "Black Panther" without a rating
In addition, Moore is in a hurry to point out that the various elements played at the moment within the MCU contain more than enough opportunity and drama about the remaining roles of the characters in "Black Panther" to handle, never bothered who ends to take over black Panther coat. As Moore explained, the events of the "Brave New World" leave some intriguing problems for the nation's nation to face forward:
"I'm sure Wakanda will have an opinion on the arrival of adamantium. And I'm sure Wakanda had an opinion about Sam Wilson as Captain America. Clearly, they seem to support him because they gave him some technology to help him out. He deals with Globalization and global politics, so everything is possible. "
From these comments, the third "black panther" seems to continue the move in the global, political spaces of MCU that "Waakanda forever" has expanded. It does not even take into account the possibilities that that movie has left on where his characters can go, including especially the secret son of Nakia (Lupita Nyong) and named Tusin, whose name in Vakanda is also. . Can that name only be respect for his father, or maybe it directs the road to the new T'kala, taking the backs of the black panther? In any case, there are now many moving parts that take place in Wakanda (including turning on Not less than Denzel Washington!), Both the resurrected and processed T'challa will only add unnecessary confusion and complication, not to mention potential insult. Sometimes it is better to leave the past behind, especially when the future has so much opportunity to expect.
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