Max Sci-Fi Crime Thriller Director's Cut is the only version you should release.

as if Robert Scucci | Published

If you ever need a gentle reminder that the best satirical sci-fi thriller of all time is currently airing on Max, I'm here to deliver the good word to the undergrads (as God and Paul Verhoeven intended). Robocop A director's cut can be seen from the safety of your salon. Now, you may be asking yourself, “How long does a director's cut last? Robocop Compared to the theatrical cut and why should I care? ” The answer may surprise you, as this extended version is only about a minute longer than its widely released counterpart.

You have to trust me, because it's a defining moment you don't want to miss.

Robocop director's cut

What can I say about it? Robocop It has not been told in the past decades, and why is the director's cut an advanced version? The shortest elevator pitch I can give you is a word of extra aggression. of Robocop The director's cut doesn't add any side stories or character development, but instead adds a well-placed Seconds A runtime that cranks up the sarcasm to ridiculous proportions.

Or, in some cases, we get some pretty graphic close-ups instead of wide shots that make your stomach churn.

We're talking "pour him full of lead" ridiculous levels of violence that have to be seen to be believed. The kind of violence I'm talking about can't even be pictured in this article because the censors find out where I live and as Alex Murphy (Peter Weller) is a cyber-enabled RoboCop body that stops crime. Mean streets of Detroit.

RoboCop's satire gets better with age

Robocop director's cut

If you've never seen RoboCop, or if you're like me and haven't seen it since you were six years old, you owe it to yourself to watch the director's cut.

And if you're worried about the aging of satire, you're sorely mistaken. From the non-overly sentimental and smiley news personalities that followed the launch of the ED-209 killbot during a board meeting for Omni Consumer Products in a completely non-regional lexicon, Death Count. Robocop It's tongue-in-cheek with commentary on urban crime, corporations taking over public services, and the gradual takeover of what it means to be a hero in a dystopian hellscape by corrupt military police.

A tragedy of technology and humanity

Robocop director's cut

in his heart, Robocop It is the story of a man who loses his mind in his crusade against crime as a machine. After being brutally murdered by Clarence Boddicker, he wipes his memory (Curtwood Smith) and the sides - it is more brutal with the determination of the director, by the way - Alex Murphy will be a killing machine in his own right, but like RoboCop, he errs on the side of good.

But Murphy has a moment of clarity as he struggles with his programming, secretly remembering his life before he became RoboCop, and suddenly we have a story to show how this man has changed, not just mindless violence for violence's sake. Dehumanized in the name of "progress".

Stream the director's cut

Robocop director's cut

If you don't believe me, such a small amount adds up to extra runtime Robocop At 1000 percent, then you need to put your money where your mouth is and distribute the director's cut immediately. Forget about the theatrical cut (also on streaming High), and forget about the followers. The only version of Robocop A must watch is the director's cut on Max.

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