The best Star Trek show never got the audience it deserved.

as if Chris Snellgrove | Published

Star Trek fans have always enjoyed the franchise's techno-fueled socialist utopia, so it's only fitting that this was canceled. The bottom floor He exposed the biggest lie of capitalism: if you build it, they will come. That is, we spend our lives being told that being successful is all about showing your talent and doing amazing work. For this Star Trek fan, The bottom floor It was a near-perfect show, but its cancellation reveals two bitter truths: being great doesn't mean being profitable, and today's trickers simply don't know what they're looking for.

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Paramount is loathe to discuss the numbers that prompted the premature cancellation of Star Trek shows. Discovery And The bottom floorBoth unexpectedly had to make their fifth season into the final season. About the main consideration The bottom floor This is, although it is much cheaper to produce than shows Strange new worldsIt wasn't getting enough views or driving enough new subscribers Paramount+. And while Paramount's poor handling of the Nutrek environment is partly to blame, I can't help but think that fans don't know what they want from this franchise.

Star Trek Characters like Michael Burnham are loved as children's stories Alice's Adventures in WonderlandSo I think it's worth watching The bottom floor From another children's story: Goldilocks and the Three Bears. While Discovery It ended strong, initially focusing on the old story and alienating new fans, breaking the canon about everything from Clints to Spock's intertwined family tree. Simply put it in advance Discovery He tried to focus too much and failed Known Characters and events instead of trying something new.

In comparison, Picard He had the opposite problem. It is reported that Patrick Stewart himself wanted to avoid many relationships with this show The next generationIt's one of the reasons why the first two seasons were such a hot mess. It was after the failure of those early seasons that Paramount and Stewart gave their fans what they wanted, turning season 3 into one. TNG Meeting again. But before that fatal final season, PicardThe biggest failure is trying to do something completely. brand new Instead of focusing on what made the title character so great in the first place.

The next major Star Trek series has been The bottom floorand the Goldilocks scale managed to get fans what they wanted. Each season was filled with hilarious callbacks to favorite characters from Q to Harry Kim, and the show always had great Easter eggs for big fan favorites (the huge amount of Spock Two, not clear Animated series behavior). At the same time, the show introduced some amazing new characters like Boehmler and Marin, proving that The bottom floorLike Goldilocks' favorite bed, his ability to focus on something old and new at the same time was "just right."

So much potential

Star Trek Low Ships

Another thing the show gets "right" is finding the sweet spot between delivering silly jokes and creating killer canon. Each part of the The bottom floor It had some light laughs, but the show was never afraid to change the canon in big ways (I especially liked the return of Nick Locarno). And the series finale with Starfleet in a multiverse-stable wormhole is more or less an open invitation to future Trek writers to go at all. Wild All that juicy narrative potential.

As a Star Trek fan who loved the franchise during its original TNG run, "potential" is a word I relate to the most. The bottom floor. The show lived up to all its potential and then some, combining the side-splitting comedy with the heartwarming stories that stretch the boundaries of this franchise. Let's face it, if Star Trek is about Infinite Diversity Infinite Combinations; The bottom floor The only Nutrek show that deserves a permanent spot in Stovocore (sorry, Strange new worlds) to fully embrace this idea of ​​Vulcan.

Unfortunately, the show's untimely cancellation means that the fandom doesn't appreciate the best Nutrek has to offer, or worse, doesn't know what to expect from this venerable franchise. Of course Star Wars gets heat for not delivering what fans want, but that's the general consensus. Disney execs (for whatever reason) ignore a proven, fan-favorite formula in favor of shoving content optimized for their brand's action image down our throats.

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However, Star Trek is now at its worst in a world where no one seems to know what they want from the franchise and fans have rejected it. The bottom floor It's one where the franchise is doomed to die a slow death. With any luck, Paramount will bring back Mike McMahan's pioneering show in one form or another to find our favorite. Sci-fi The universe gets back on track. Otherwise, the phrase "Star Trek into Darkness" doesn't just describe the franchise. Very bad movie. It also accurately describes how the Gene Roddenberry universe dies at the hands of careless executives, who cannot stop the fall of fans.

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