Mike McMahon joined the Star Trek fans The bottom floorhis seminal animated comedy, the best installment of the Nutrek era in the series. In a recent interview with TrekMovie, he confirmed that he plans to use the time and, with the help of those fans, push hard to eventually bring the show back. This killer comedy...does more than just make a comeback The bottom floor In many ways, it is saved by the most dangerous enemy Star Trek has ever faced: Paramount.
In the same interview, Mike McMahon indicated that it was the end The bottom floor It's not the end of the new franchise content, noting how much you're excited to see. Section 31, Starfleet AcademyAnd more seasons of Strange new worlds. So, why are we making a bold proclamation that it should be returned to us? The bottom floor To save Star Trek? Frankly, we don't need a betazoid's telepathic powers to figure that out. Priority The execs have no idea what they are doing with this beloved franchise.
Future Star Trek
Let's start with an important disclaimer: Strange new worlds It's an almost perfect scene, and we join Mike McMahon in his enthusiasm. However, the future of the entire franchise cannot rest on the shoulders of the well-toned Captain Pike of Ansom Mountain and it is important for Paramount to focus on future productions to keep the franchise healthy. Unfortunately, everything we know about the current productions points to the dire need for something, anything, to save Star Trek from its current creators.
Section 31 The series seems to be a creative mistake for many reasons, including those planned around an Oscar-winning actor Michelle Yew Suddenly he was relegated to a made-for-TV movie that no one knew about. Once released, a revival using a cast of new characters we'll never see again will be difficult. And like many Trek fans, we're uncomfortable with the franchise going all-in on the idea of Episode 31 because such a rogue, wetworks-intensive Starfleet organization seems to go against the core idealism of the entire franchise.
Starfleet Academy He's built a great cast, but at the end of the day, he's the backbone. DiscoveryA show that turned off many fans, Paramount prematurely canceled the once-flagship series. Beyond that and untitled Office-As a series, the only known production on horizon In a similar vein, it is the Star Trek origin film that depicts humanity's dealings with aliens and the formation of the Federation. Considering we've already covered that ground First contact And OrganizationIt's pretty clear that Paramount is willing to cannibalize their beloved shows and movies in a desperate attempt to create a new hit movie.
How Mike McMahon Can Save Star Trek.
All of this leads us to why Mike McMahan's plans could save Star Trek. Now that Paramount has made it clear that we will never get it Star Trek Heritage Show that everyone wants The bottom floor It's the only NuTrek content that's willing to consistently engage with our beloved classic characters. After all, it's the show that has everything from Garak to Bashir to Tom Paris and back. TNG The bad boy he was based on.
And even if you don't like Mike McMahan's humor, it's always clear. The bottom floor It was made by people who grew up as fans of Gene Roddenberry's beloved franchise. These writers constantly manage to create new stories while dipping into old stories in a way that doesn't disrupt existing canon. That might not seem that hard on paper, but when you look at the canon-horror going on inside Discovery And in fact Strange new worldsIt's easy to appreciate the hard work that goes into each framework The bottom floor.
The return of that scene could save Star Trek. In fact, it looks like it might be the only thing he can do. We're looking forward to Tawny Newsome bringing the laughs in the upcoming live-action Trek show (mentioned above). Office-as a sequel), we can't wait for the mutiny crew to return to the soundtrack. Given the mistakes Paramount has made with this franchise in recent years, it's clear that they could learn a thing or two from Mariner about breaking the rules, especially if it means giving us back (as The bottom floor too many times) to the Golden Age of Star Trek.
Source: Trek movie
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